Playing hard ~ Chapter 43

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Light snores awoke me from my peaceful sleep. I turned over to see Jordan still asleep. Memories from last night came back to me in a blur.

He bit my neck in the midst of it all. I reached my hand up to my neck just to feel my regular smooth skin. Odd...

I got out of bed quietly and tip toed to the bathroom. Grabbing my robe, I caught a glimpse of my neck in the mirror.

"Bloody hell...?" I breathed. It looked like the southern lights were on my neck. Little lines of blue, green, purple, and pink were mixed in a little spot on my neck. It was  like they were aligning with my veins.

Disbelieving the crazy, but yet beautiful sight on my neck, I turned on the shower and hopped in. My body felt like it was brand new, with no muscle aches and no pains. It was different...

I scrubbed and scrubbed my neck, hoping the mark would disappear. Sighing, I just cleaned myself up. I  didn't want to get out of the nice and warm water yet, but I had to get out and get dressed before Jordan woke up.

I stepped out and grabbed another robe. I saw the mark on my neck was still evident as I wiped away the steam on the mirror.

"Dang…" I whispered.

The shelves behind the mirror held some makeup, and concealer just was probably going to be my best friend.

I opened the mirror and grabbed my concealer. If it didn't cover the mark, I had no idea what would. It wasn't a tattoo nor a bruise. The mark was  quite fascinating, but yet weird and angering.

I smothered a drop on my neck. With everything spread evenly on it, the mark was still a bit visible, but it was covering. I added another layer and Voila! It was completely hidden.

Now no one had to know about it. Maybe it would disappear...? Not likely.

Ugh, I needed to stop stressing over it.

I opened the door quietly and peeked out. I saw Jordan still sleeping. I had to keep myself from laughing. His innocent appearance made him look so sweet.

Silently giggling I walked out and over to my closet. I opened the door and walked in before shutting it.

It was probably around 11am and I hadn't been to the gym in a while so I decided to change into crop yoga pants and a stretchy tank top for sports. I laced up my tennis shoes and walked out.

I paced over to the bed and sat down. Peering at Jordan, I thought of ways to wake him up. I could go over of two ways: pour water on him, or gently wake him up.

Pouring water on him would probably have been a bad idea because my bed would get wet, so I woke him up gently... actually scratch that. I woke him up in a nice way.

"Jordan! Wake up!" I screamed.

I didn't even have to say another word. He jumped out of bed so quickly someone might have thought I lit a match under his butt.

"What!? Who's there!?" he yelled jumping into a fighting position.

That's when I lost it completely. I fell off the bed laughing so hard. His reaction was priceless.

"Hahaha! Oh my goodnessssss!"  I  breathed out.

I stood up, using the bed to support myself. I was weak from laughing so hard!

Jordan stood on the opposite side of the bed, with boxers on. He didn't look very happy. A frown was  deep on his face.

"Um...I'm going to the gym and I didn't want to leave you sleeping for Anthony to find," I explained, trying my best to sound like a sweet little girl.

"So, Anthony still lives here?" he asked, crossing his arms.

I nodded.

His frown increased slightly. I thought for sure he was beginning to get extremely angry but he surprised me. He jumped onto the bed and pulled me with him.

"Eww! The bed sheets need washed and I'm clean!" I yelled, getting up out of bed.

"Nice bum," he answered back to me. 

I rolled my eyes, typical guy.

"So the least you could do is take all the blankets and stuff off, then throw them in a ball in the corner of the room.  And then you can leave. I'm going to the gym now, catch ya some other time!" I said throwing up peace signs.

The morning air felt so lovely on my skin as I walked to the gym. The sun was  shining brightly, making the start of my day even better.

As soon as I got to the gym, I hit the treadmill. Lately, running has been my hobby. I even began running competitively in things such as 5k races.

The tread mills faced the windows, so I could watch as people walked about in their busy lives. Thank goodness the windows were the ones where they're black on one side and so only one person can see through it. That meant I could see the people walk about, but they couldn't see me.

About halfway into my work out, someone jumped onto treadmill beside me. There were many other working ones but they chose  the one beside me...alright.

I kept running until curiosity got the best of me. I glanced over to see who had been running beside me.

"Hey bae," Jordan winked.

I rolled my eyes.  I really shouldn't have been surprised.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him.

"The same thing as you sweetie pie," he said, smirking.

If you ask me, I would say it is impossible to smirk while running really hard. But I guess it wasn't impossible for Jordan.

"Ugh," I said while shutting off my treadmill.

Jordan mimicked my every move. Every stretch I did, he did. Every drink I tool, he took. It was actually quite annoying.

"Can I take you out?" he asked me sincerely.

I was shocked. I kind of like this new Jordan.

I turned and smiled at him. "No, you can't. Have a nice day," I winked and walked out the gym doors.

I still remember every little thing he did. I was so naive when I forgave him five seconds after every single time he abused me. Now, I was going to play hard to get.

OH MY GOSH!  I apologize to everyone! I haven't had any time whatsoever to be on wattpad. Like, I feel so bad. I haven't replied to any private messages or any comments because I have been so busy. I hope you guys can find a way to forgive me!!! Thanks for reading like always!!

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