Getting closer ~ Chapter 6

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White. That's what I saw when I woke up. At first up was confused, then I realized I was looking at a ceiling. Oops.

I sat up and saw I was in a hospital room. The room was probably a part of the mansion. I got out of bed and walked to the door. Twisting the knob, I found out it was locked. Great. Of freaking course they would lock me in this room.

I walked over to some drawers and found a tongue presser. I stuck it through the lock and twisted. Click! The door unlocked I ran out as fast at I could not even caring that I had a hospital gown on.

I was right. That room was connected to the mansion. I wonder what else is in this house.

As I was walking down the hallway, I saw two public boys and girls bathrooms. I walked into the girls bathroom and saw it was vacant. Surprise surprise.

The inside was very fancy. Marble was everywhere. The lighting was just perfect. Everything was perfect. I wonder how much it costed to make this bathroom. Probably thousands and yet it is only a bathroom.

I looked in the mirror and screamed. My forehead had a huge bump right in the middle of it. It was big and purple to. Plus I had cuts on my cheeks and my arms. The door must have busted really hard into me.

At that point, I was kind of mad. He made me have these marks and wasn't even there when I woke up!

I walked out of the bathroom and starting running. "Jerkace alpha!" I screamed, knowing he could hear me. I probably should not have drawn attention to myself...

I sat on a couch in the lobby, waiting for him to come to me.

Soon enough, heard fast footsteps. I saw him round the corner and let me tell you, he looked pretty freaking mad. I guessed he did not want me to scream at him for everyone to hear.

I gulped and got up. I starting sprinting away.

"Oh no you don't!" he screamed.

Then the worst thing possible happened, I tripped. Typical Nora.

I stayed on the ground, knowing he was right behind me. Plus, I was too tired to get up.

He pulled me upwards by my waist and turned me around.

"Umm.... hi," I said sweetly, trying to get out of trouble.

"There are people trying to sleep. There are people who heard you scream that at me. If you get to scream those things and get away with disrespecting the alpha, everyone will think that they can, too. " he stated calmly.

"Well Alpha Jordan, do you see what you did to my face?" I asked rudely.

He looked guilty almost instantly. "I'm sorry princess. Can you forgive me?" Bi to the polar.

"Only if you stop being mean," I said.

"Deal. But you cannot keep defying me. Next time you will get punished."

Yeah, yeah, yeah whatever he says.

"Whatever. Take me to the room so I can go get dressed," I said.

"Your wish is my command," he said swooping my into his arms and carrying me bridal style.

It took probably five or so minutes to get back to the room. I grabbed a towel and walked into the bathroom. There was a new door. He must have put one up after our little incident.

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