Forgiving ~ Chapter 11

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When I woke up, I felt instantly sick. I glanced at the clock while jumping up out of bed and saw that it was only 2:33am. I do not like being up so early.

I ran to the bathroom and threw up into the toilet. I couldn't stop throwing up. My body must be fighting back from me not getting any food.

I sat back against the wall waiting to see if I was gonna be sick again. I was shivering. I needed to put on more clothes. I still only had the underwear and bra from a few days ago.

As I was sitting against the wall Jordan walked in rubbing his eyes.

"Go away," I moaned.

He came over and bent down next to me.

"Do still feel like your going to throw up?" he asked.

I shrugged. "I don't think so."

He picked me up bridal style and carried me back to bed. Then he walked in to closet. He came out holding a pair of sweatpants and a long sleeved shirt. 

"Here, put these on."

I took them and pulled them on my body. It felt so good to finally have clothes on.

"I'm sorry for everything Nora. I...I.I just have a temper that we'll have to work on. But I um.. I love you," he whispered the last part.

I just nodded and got in bed. He followed in suit.

When he got in, he pulled me into him. I tried to get out of his hold but he wouldn't let me.

"Just let me hold you until we wake up. Please."

"Whatever Jordan. Whatever," I spoke up.


For the first time in a few days, I woke up warm and happy. That happiness soon disappeared when I realized why I was warm.

I was still in Jordan's arms. And, I didn't want to be in his arms.

So I screamed at the top of my lungs to wake him up. He jumped so high out of bed he almost reached the ceiling, no joke.

"What's wrong!!??" he screamed/asked.

"Nothing, I just wanted out of your hold," I said while crawling out of bed.

"Then why do I smell blood?" he asked.

I was puzzled. I knew I wasn't bleeding because all my wounds had scabbed over.

"It's not coming from me," I said.

"Nora, your nose is bleeding."

I screamed. "What!? I hate nosebleeds!!!"

I ran to the bathroom and tissues. Jordan came in laughing.

"It's not funny! And don't think your off the hook yet mister," I said while holding my nose.

"What do I have to do for you to forgive me?" he said giving me puppy dog eyes.

"You have to be my slave for one month," I said.

His jaw dropped.

"One whole month, I can't do that,"

"Whatever," I said and turned around.

"Fine," he groaned

"What was that?" I turned back around smiling.

"I said fine."

"Yay!" I screamed.

"Now, let's make a promise to be nice to each other?" he asked.

Awe how sweet. "Sure," I said holding out my hand for him to shake.

"You better not break this promise," he says while shaking my hand.

"You either."

"Can I give you a tour of the house now?" he asked.

"But my nose is still bleeding."

"No it's not. Take the tissue off of it and get dressed," he said before turning around.

"Okay pick me out an outfit, and I will be ready to go after I wash my face," I said while turning the water on.

I couldn't wait to get to see the pack house.


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