Going home ~ Chapter 22

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"Nora!!! Where are you!!!? I can smell you!" Someone shouts. It sounds like Brock.

I open my eyes to see I was still in the tree. I need to get out of it, I need to run.

"Jordan, please find me," I whisper, trying to climb down the tree without falling.

Once I reach the bottom, I run. I don't have any idea where I am going but I desperately hope to escape.

"Nora, I'm not going to hurt you!!!!" someone shouts.

Ha! Yeah right! I begin to sprint even faster.

I start to get dizzy and I start stumbling. I hear cars, like a highway is close.

"Where are you!?" someone shouts, anger laced in their voice.

"Leave me alone," I attempt to shout.

Before I know it I fall on a pavement. I look up to see cars flying past me.

I slowly stand up and stumble out onto the road further. I hold my thumb out, hoping to hitch a ride somewhere.

I guess I miscalculated where the cars were because I felt a forceful impact hit me, and I went flying. Then I went unconscious.



"Doctor, when will she wake up?"

"There's a 45% chance she won't wake up, but if she does wake up, it won't be for months. And her memory might be a little foggy."

Then a door shut.

Someone was holding my hand.

I want to wake up and scream. I feel an intense pain, but I want everyone to know I'm alright.

I feel trapped, paralyzed, stuck in my own body. I can't move, but I can control my thoughts.

But then I am able to move my eyelids, and open my eyes.

I see Jordan, bent over our hands, his head on my stomach.

I need to tell him I'm okay.

"Come on, Nora. Wake up," he whispers.

"How long have I been asleep?" that's the first thing that comes out of my mouth.

Jordan jumps. "You scared me! But your awake! Doctor!!!"

The doctor rushes in. He looks shocked.

"You-you ar... are. How?" the doctors mutters.

Then he just walks out.

"Never again am I going to let you out of my sight, never again. I'm so sorry. I love you," Jordan says, crying.

"Shhhh.. it's okay. See? I'm totally fine. I'm right here, fine."

"I'm taking you home," he says after a few minutes.

He gets up and starts to unhook me from the machines.

"Are you sure its okay to do that?" I ask him.

"Yes, its fine."

When he is done, he picks me up bridal style and carries me out of the room.

"Sir, you cannot do that. Sir!" a nurse shouts as Jordan runs past with me in his arms.

"Jordan! I told you!" I whisper shouted.

He chuckled.

"Wouldn't you rather be at home anyways?" he asked me.

I nodded.

"You never answer my question." I stated.

"What question?" he asked.

"How long was I out?"

He looked grim. "Three months. With a high possibility of you not waking up."

"I think I get hurt too much," I said. Jordan was now close to his car.

"Yeah, way too much. That's why you're not going in out of my sight for not even a second," he said while setting me in the car.

"What were you doing while I was gone?" I asked.

He gripped the steering wheel and pulled out of the parking lot.

"I was also kidnapped, and was almost killed. But, I killed them before they could touch me," he said.

The rest of the car ride was silent. When we pull up to the pack house, Jordan gets out and comes around to carry me.

He picks me up and carries me into the house.

"Can I try walking?" I asked.

"Nora, look at your leg."

I looked down and gasped. My leg was in a cast.

I bet the rest of my body was all bruised up,  too.

I wonder what my face looked like. It must look horrid. I hid my face in his chest so no one would see me.

"You don't need to hide your face. You are beautiful no matter what," he said gently.

My eyes prickled with tears. He is so sweet, I'm so happy to have him as a mate.

I heard an elevator ding and we were already on our floor. He carried me to our room and set me on the bed.

"I'll be taking care of you for a while. But for now, I just want you to get some rest," he kissed my forehead and laid down beside me.

We were both asleep in a matter of seconds.


I hope that was a long enough chapter!! Thanks for reading!! Vote comment and follow.

I have 47 comments, if it gets to 50, I will double update!!!

(There's 50+ comments on the whole book so expect a double update!:)

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