Explanations ~ Chapter 41

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Any errors you find, let me know please :) Enjoy!


I saw...Chris.

Oh shoot. I tried to go around him and keep walking but he grabbed  my shoulders.

"Nora?" he questioned as if he  was making sure  it was me.

I shook my head. "No, sorry you have got the wrong person," I said, glancing over my shoulder making sure Anthony was nowhere in sight.

"Too bad I know it is you. I have been watching over you for a while now," he whispered into my ear.

Alright, that is just slightly creepy, but also comforting.

Knowing this information, I still tried to deny my existence to him.

"I'm sorry, you must have mistaken me for someone else. I really have to go now," I spoke, trying not to let my voice tremble.

I let my hand go off of my face, and replaced  it with my hair. I turned so Chris couldn't see it, but of course  he caught on right away.

"Nora, what is on your face?" he asked, concerned while he moved away my hair and turned my face towards him.

I racked my brain for excuses. I was never a great liar, but I knew I would have to try.

"I was auditioning for a play, and I had to um jump of off a chair. And clumsy me fell and hit my face off of the wall," I said, giving my lie all I had.

I begged to God that Chris believed me. If he didn't, many bad things could go down.

"Oh wow. What play as  it? And why were you crying so hard?" he  questioned me.

I gulped. I had to come up with more unbelievable lies.

" Okay.. I don't know why you're asking a stranger these questions. For all you know I could be a killer. So leave me alone and go find your Nora. Okay?" I asked, raising my eyebrows.

"Come on. Don't be like that," Chris said, exasperated.

"Look, I really, really have to go," I said and started to walk away.

I got a few feet in before he whispered one last thing in my ear.

"Jordan really misses you."

I stopped and turned around. Chris was nowhere in sight. That son of a bishy.

All he did was bring up old, pushed back feelings. Now I was thinking bout my old life at the pack house, and how everything could've been better than it probably is now.

I continued walking and ended up not knowing where I was. Then, a familiar shiny black car drove by me really slow. The driver's window rolled down and it was  Anthony.

Oh no. I picked up my pace and tried to get away.

"Nora get in the car. I'm so sorry I never meant to hurt you. I have some explaining to do. I know that," he spoke softly.

I pretended to not hear him, and kept walking.

I heard a car door shut an  I glance  over to see him walking after me. I ran hard and fast away from him.

But only a second after I started running, he was in front of me. But..how?

"Stop running. I need to explain to you what happened. Get in the car, please," he begged.

I sighed but obeyed. I sat in the black leather  interior of the car and waited for him to be  in. The car door opened, and he then slid in.

We stayed parked on the side of the road for a little while until he started his story.

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