Hungover ~ Chapter 50

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"I like big butts and I cannot lie!" I sung down the hallways.

It was probably like twelve at night or something, but I had not got caught yet so I kept going. I was running up and down all the hallways I could, gracing people with my beautiful voice.

Jordan was probably running after me, but I got a head start, so he had not captured me yet.

"Young lady!" I heard someone shriek.

I turned around to see the grumpy maid, Gloria, peeking out of the kitchen at me. I smiled and danced my way over to her.

"Yes whore-ia?" I said and cupped my hands over my mouth after I spoke the words I did.

Her eyes widened at her nickname. I began giggling but she began frowning.

"I am calling Mr. Alpha for this case," she said and turned we back to me. She walked over to the phone.

I did not stay to listen before I did a ninja roll out of the kitchen. I ran up a set of stairs and into a bathroom.

I walked over to the mirror. "Alright, I see you you foxy mama!" I catcalled at myself.

I walked into a stall and parked myself on a toilet before relieving myself. I turned on the sink and pumped soap out of the container. It was bubbly soap!

"No way!" I exclaimed and began pumping hand fulls onto my hands, arms, hair, and legs. I made my self have a beard like Santa Claus.

"Alright time to go," I heard Jordan say.

"Oh! I did not even hear you come in!" I giggled. I put my soapy arms around him and gave him a hug.

"Do I look like Santa to you?" I asked him.

He nodded his head while laughing and put his arms around my shoulder. I did a fist pump.

"You ran around all day in that outfit didn't you?" He asked me as we walked out of the bathroom.

"Yes! I did! I think a lot of guys appreciated it," I said to get him jealous. He growled and increased his grip on my shoulder.

I giggled. "Can I have some whiskey?" I pleaded. I was not ready for bed.

"No! Its-" he checked his watch. "1:30 in the morning!" He whisper yelled.

"You are taking a shower and going to bed," he told me. He was the definition of a party pooper.

I shook my head, making my soap beard com off. "That is too boring!"

I was wide awake and ready to party.

"Do you want to have a twerk off?" I asked him excitedly.

He started laughing really hard. His deep, husky laugh. I did not want him to stop laughing. Ever.

"We are going to have a very long talk tomorrow," he said abruptly, still laughing a little.

"Let's talk about se-" he cupped a hand over my mouth.

"No more singing," he said. I pouted my lips out and stomped my feet.

Once we reached the room, he walked me into the bathroom again, except did not turn on the shower. He pulled out my toothbrush and put some paste on it as I played with the floss.

"Here," Jordan said and handed me my toothbrush.

I looked at it and opened my mouth. He rolled his eyes but grabbed the back of my head lightly and started brushing my teeth for me. He scrubbed my tongue an extra lot.

Kidnapped by an AlphaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora