Utterly shocked ~ Chapter 14

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Jordan p.o.v.

After about thirty or so minutes, Nora still was not back. I was really starting to get worried.

Was she sick? She only took a few bites of her food, so was that enough to make her sick?

Or she could have escaped! I should have thought this through before letting her go to the bathroom! There are so many ways to escape!

I busted out of my seat and ran to the ladies room just to make sure she wasn't there. I used my werewolf hearing to make sure no one was in the bathroom before walking in.

I smelt her scent everywhere. I did not smell anyone's else's scent, though. So, if she got kidnapped, someone had to have the spray that masks your scent. I doubt she got kidnapped because that takes highly skilled supernaturals to get that spray.

She ran away then! I took her on the nice date and she runs away!

I am going to find her. Yes, indeed I am.

Nora's p.o.v.

When I woke up, I found that I was in a damp, small freezing cell. Plus, my wrists and ankles were tied together with rope.

I looked around and saw that my heels and dress were still on me, and that my clutch was thrown carelessly beside me.

I wonder why I am here, or better yet, why did I get taken?

I started pondering for a few minutes about if I should yell for help or stay quiet, but then I heard someone opening my cell.

"Good morning, sunshine," the guy said. I soon saw he was the guy that put the chloroform on my mouth.

"No ablo inglés," I said, remembering from my Spanish class that that means I cannot speak English.

"Oh, I know for a fact you can speak English amiga, so cut the crap. I have questions to ask you. Follow me," he said after cutting the rope off of my ankles.

I grabbed my clutch just in case and started following him.

"Leave the purse thing here," he commanded.

I threw it on the ground. " Whatever," I muttered.

"What was that?" he asked, turning around.

"I don't think I stuttered."

His face went grim. He walked up to me and put his hand up as if to slap me. Then he put it down.

"I'm not gonna touch you yet. I wanna save my anger for when I need to get answers out of you," he said and turned around to continue walking.

What kind of answers does he need? I have no idea.

We walked into another room. This one was dimly lit and had a desk with a chair in it. The desk looked like it had straps to strap someone's arms in as they were sitting in the chair.

"Go sit down and I will be back," the guy said, closing the door.

I turned to the door and tried to open it, but it would not budge. it must lock from the outside.

I went and sat in the chair feeling defeated since that was the only way out.

I wonder if Jordan will ever come back for me. Will he ever rescue me? Of course he will, I know he will.

A few moments later, the two guys who kidnapped me came in. Two people followed in after him.

I could feel the look of disgust on my face staring as in looked at these two people as they smiled at me.

"Welcome home, sweetie," my parents said in unison.


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