Chapter 5

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Chapter 5: Domino? or Dominique?


Tyki couldn't believe his ears. His precious Domino...wait where did 'his precious Domino' come from. It's not like she belongs go him. Although...What exactly could she have done to kill the akuma...she couldn't have been an exorcist or he would've had no choice but to kill her on the spot once he realized what she was. "Domino..." he mumbled.

"Do you think it's her?" Road asked. The two Noah's had long since left the town and were now on their way to the next city.

"I'm not really sure..." He said. And he wasn't sure. The domino he knew, the travelling Magician, could only do extraordinary magic tricks...for entertainment. Even so, she couldn't use those things to destroy an akuma. It just wasn't possible. Only innocence could do that. And he knew for a fact she wasn't a exorcist or had any innocence because his Noah would've felt it. So, the question remains. Who this person was and how did they kill an akuma without leaving traces of innocence behind?

"Don't think about it too hard Tyki.." Road advised as she looked at her uncle. His face contorted into a look of annoyance when he was thinking but then changed to one of calmness.

"Yeah...I know.." he said as he smiled down at her.

"Anyways, it might not have been domino..." she said. "What is domino's full name?" She asked.

Tyki thought about it, "Domino Azure."

"Alright then, and the lady said the woman who helped was named Dominique Espina. So it couldn't possibly be her." Road assured.

Tyki thought about it and nodded. "You're right Road.." his smile grew warmer and he looked ahead.

Road, she didn't like, no -she absolutely despised- the idea of any of her family members sad or in pain. In any kind of despair. So when she saw Tyki fearing his friend Domino, and very sweet woman, of being an exorcist and having to kill her...the look of her and annoyance on his face, it made her sad because she hated seeing her family like that, Tyki especially. Though, she was also unsure if the situation. She wanted to know who killed the Akuma as well. It all gave her a very uneasy feeling. She wanted to know who this person was. She looked back to Tyki and saw he was in a little memory. She would've know what it was if it weren't for the fact he figured out how to block her out. She sighed then just kept walking along side him.

When Road asked what Domino's full name was he began to remember the day he met the peculiar magician...


Tyki was walking with Eeez and the guys as they were all heading to the new mining sight. Eeez was holding onto Tyki's hand as they all walked down the bustling street of the town. "You'd think people would be a little curtious to newcomers." Tyki muttered. As they came up to the clearing to a much lesser packed street the let out sighs of relief.

"That was a close one Tyki.." and Tyki nodded in reply to his friend. " okay Eeez?" No reply. Their eyes widened as they realize their little sickly friend was gone. "Eeez!" They all chorused.

They looked around high and low for their friend. "We've got to find him!"

"I know!" Tyki replied. "Hello!~ Come one come all!~" their ears perked up at the sound of a beautiful voice.

The magician stood at her usual spot between the bakery shop and the flower shop. "You must see what you can't see~" she said as she held out a hand to a sick looking boy. She crouched down to his eye level and smiled, "wanna see a magic trick little boy?" She asked kindly. "

The Magician (D.Gray-Man fanfic) [Tyki Story] {Kanda Story}Where stories live. Discover now