Chapter 8

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Chapter 8: Encounter with a Noah



Tyki paced around the living room of his home. How was he gonna go about this? How was he going to find this woman? She he look for Domino first or this Dominique character? What would he do if they were one of the same? Could he bring himself to kill Domino if it happened to be her?

He stopped pacing and his eyes widened.

That was the question wasn't it?...Would he be able to go against the Earl's order to kill this magician...even if it so happened to be Domino...? Could he bring himself to kill one of those precious to him? Someone that has been with him for two years now?...

"That's the biggest question no?" Tyki whipped around and turned to his nephew. "Wisely..." Tyki spoke. "Come now, I just came to see if you were alright. Road is really worried for you Tyki..." Wisely said.

"I'm fine." Tyki answered. "You're mind is in shambles Tyki. What about this woman is making you question your loyalty to the Earl? and your true nature?" Wisely asked as he sat down on a chair.

Tyki eyed his nephew before sitting on a chair beside him. "She's...always been there when me and the guys needed help...for two years...and she's so similar to me. She has a second job that calls her to work every now and then. She cares for the guys...especially Eeez. Its like if she knew the real me..."

"She would relate complete..." Wisely finished for him.

"You think I've lost it?..." Tyki asked as he rubbed his temples.

"I think you're in love with her..." Wisely said as he gazed boredly at the fire that burned under the fireplace.

Tyki looked at his nephew dumbfounded. "What? Love? ha! Do you remember who I am? What, I am?" Tyki stated with a grin as he looked at his nephew.

"The Noah of Pleasure." The two turned to see Wisely's father, Tyki's brother. Sheryl. "Hello Father." Wisely said. "What are you doing here Sheryl?" Tyki questioned.

"I came to see why my brother has been terribly distraught for the past week." Sheryl said as he walked over to his two family members. 

"It sounds to me, though you may deny it, you are in love with this woman." Sheryl stated to his brother.

"You both are delusional." Tyki groaned as he wiped a hand over his face.

"Deny it as much as you want. but I guarantee...if you find out that your precious human woman is in fact the woman killing the akuma. you won't bring yourself to kill her...instead to kiss her..." With that Sheryl left the room.

"I agree with father..." Wisely stated before also leaving the Noah of Pleasure to his thoughts. 

Tyki sighed deeply in frustration. That wasn't much help... he thought.


Tyki took in her features...She looked so much like his Domino...yet so different.

Dominique looked at the man...The Noah before her with a smirk. "And if I am?" She replied.

"I will kill you." He grinned.

"Tyki Mikk?!" Allen shouted. Dominique's eyes widened. "What did you say?" She said in a breathless voice. An image of her Tyki appeared before the man and it seemed ... "No..." she mumbled as she tried to turn away.

But she was stopped to see that the exorcists were still there. Needless to say they weren't on good terms despite the fact she let them free. "Red King black light..." she began. The words reaching Tyki's ears. "Black queen red blood..." the words reaching the exorcists ears. "White knight." She ended as a bright light flashed before everyone.

They uncovered their eyes and saw that now, before the woman was a man in a white knight attire and a black hoarse dripping blood from its hooves.

"Take care of the exorcists." She ordered the white knight. He simply gave her a curt nod before having the horse charge at the three humans. She charged at Tyki at the same time. Her bangs shielding her eyes.

She threw a kick at him and he blocked it.

"I see you're doing well...Domino." He stated seeing if he could get a reaction out of the soft green haired girl. He caught a glimpse of the girls Red eyes and golden pupils. He saw them shrink in horror as she turned and threw another hard kick. "Be quiet!!!" She growled though her voice cracked.

That was a reaction.

He shot his hand out to her neck and gripped it hard. She gasped for air and it made her knees buckle. He lifted her off the ground and immediately her hands flew to his wrist. He glared at her but it soon softened when he saw the tear streaks going down her face.

"You cry? why?" He asked. She didn't reply so he loosened his grip. Just enough for her to speak coherently. "Its none of your business." she growled as she kicked him in his jaw making him release her.

"La ocultación.." her voice a bit raspy. Soon her knight was destroyed by Kanda who then looked at her.

"He he...Bai bai..." she waved to the Exorcists. Giving them a warm smile. She turned to Tyki and said... "My name is Dominique Minora...Proud member of the Judas Family...Judas of Insanities and Music...A magician as well..." She said as her shadow enveloped her then she disappeared.

The Magician (D.Gray-Man fanfic) [Tyki Story] {Kanda Story}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon