Chapter 25

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Chapter 25: Alive

"Ne, Elliot, what are we gonna name him or her." Dominique asked as she rubbed her flat stomach somach.

"Yeah papa!' Alicia jumped up and down happily as she was by her father.

Elliot smilied lightly as he rubbed the top of Alicia's head, making his daughter calm a bit. He gazed at his FIancee's stomach before looking at her in the eyes, "I say, if it's a girl you pick a name, but if it's a boy," His eyes showing a glint of proudness, matching his tone of voice, "I want to name him Aidan." With his free hand, he set his over Dominique's on her stomach and closed his eyes.

"Well, if it's a girl, I want to name her Luna." Dominique smiled fondly.


"Onna! Wake up!" She felt her body being shaken. The pain jolting throughout her body was enough to force her eyes open and cling to the closest thing of warmth nearest to her for dear life.

That thing happened to be a person, Kanda no less. The coldest of all exorcist, figurativly speaking of coarse.

Her breath was ragged, heavy, and quick; ghosting over kanda's neck. Her nails dug into the back of his coat, almost ripping it's fabric, which was supposedly indestructable against Akuma's claws. Her eyes were wide with confusion and pain. Her vision blurry with fresh tears brimming the rims of her eyes. Streaks of tears were drying upon her sun kissed skin, her form shaking rapidly with small, cracking sobs that escaped her mouth in a small voice. She could feel her blood that had seeped through her clothing... still warm... She held herself closer to Kanda's being, to feel something othe than the cold breeze that sweeped their surroundings. Yet, she noticed that Kanda's form was in a state of confusion caused by her sudden action. As her vision cleared she began to see the finder that accomponied them, relief evident in his eyes. That's when, after long moments that seemed like an eternity, she tilted her had to the side so her lips were near Kanda's ear, she spoke breathlessly, "I'm Alive..."

At first, this sounded more as a statement of confusion. As if she, herself, couldn't believe it. Truth be told, neither could Kanda and the Finder. It was told in a whisper yet, just above it. Though, he could hear the slight undertone of pain, as if she didn't want to believe that she was alive.

"I'm... Alive..."

She repeated this once more. Now, clearly as a declairation, no matter how weak and frail she sounded. Kanda, in response, wrapped his arms around her form, uncertain, and held her against himself as he replied, "Yeah, Baka... You're alive..."


Kanda had carried Dominique all the way to the next town and straight to the hospital. All the while the Finder called Headquarters and explained the situation.

Doctors and nurses had taken Dominique, as well as Kanda, to seperate rooms to tend to their injuries.

She was long since asleep when Kanda had brought her there but once she was released from his arms, she awoke in a cold sweat. Frantic as she looked around calling for Elliot. She was hysterical as she seemed way out of it. S~o out of it that they had to strap her to the stretcher and put some kind of narcotic into her arm, making her pass out.

Kanda on the other hand went willingly to the other hospital room (for the first time) and was seated on the bed.

He sat there, thinking about the events that had happened so far.

- Watched her fight with Komui about making her go

- Listented to her rant about Humanity's stupidity (but deducted she was more human that she realized)

- Intended on Killing her because she spoke ill to him

- Saw her space out and mutter the name Elliot

- Almost watched her die

- Saw her in a very weak state

So the word that could sum all of this up is... Crazy. This was too much, even for Kanda. When he agreed to do this mission, he wasn't told he had to babysit a unstable Judas woman who has some serious issues with life.

Kanda wiped a hand over his face and groaned in displeasure.

What was the order thinking when agreeing with that man to let those Judas' stay at the Order? "Was it a key to win the war?" He muttered.

The question lingered in the still air for a long while. An hour at the most and as he stood up, ready to head out, the door opened to reveal the woman that had plauged his mind for some time now. "Do you have a minute?" she asked in a small voice. 

He didn't scoff nor nod, just kinda, stared at her for a few moments before he sat back down on the edge of the bed. 

She let out a breath she didn't know she was holding as she stepped in and closed the door behind her. "Sumimasen..." She said as she looked down at the ground. Her hands fiddling with the end of her skirt. She hated this whole situation. Ugh! She wanted nothing more than to run away and just get back to the Order just to see Alicia and enjoy Jerry's cooking; possibly kill Komui. She NEVER apologized to an exorcist. NOT ONCE! And of all the times to start it just has to be Kanda, doesn't it? 

"For what?" His low voice broke her from her little melodrama. Her head shot up at him and he looked at her with his usual look.

"Well, I uh... You had to carry me from the train to this hospital right? Well, I'm sorry about that. I was absolutely no help because I got distracted and I could've gotten the two of you killed..." She looked away from him; Cheeks turning a light shade of pink. 

"If you're really sorry, then explain to me what the hell happened to you." 

She flinched slightly before she looked at him from the corner of her eyes. "What exactly do you mean?" She asked. 

"I mean, What the hell got you so fucking distracted that you almost got killed. And, who the hell is Elliot?" He asked. Why am I asking that? Does it really matter? He thought. 

Her bangs hid her eyes when Elliot's name left Kanda's lips. Leaning against the door, she slowly slid to the ground. Confused, Kanda got up and walked over to her so he now stood before her, staring down at her. "Well?" He asked. 

"I don't know why but when you picked me up after the first fight with Akuma, when I fell asleep... I was having a dream." 

"Yeah that's normal-" 

"No... this dream wasn't... at least not for a while. This dream was about my ex- fiancee." She let out a bitter chuckle, "Yeah, let's just put it out there! He might be fucking dead and I may never know!" She shouted as she threw her arm to the wall, her hand in a fist, and punched it. Small cracks appearing on the beige colored wall. "Elliot... He's been missing for over two years and there haven't been any signs that he will ever show up, let alone still alive. So when I had that dream I basked in it... It was one of those things that you don't want to forget but don't want to remember either. So when you woke me up, rather rudely might I add, I just... started to remember a lot of things... about Elliot..." Tears brimmed her eyes as her arm slumped to the floor limply.

Kanda, the idiot of the situation, stared at her a bit dumbfounded. So this thing does have feelings? He watch as her shoulders shook from the small silent sobs she let out from her being. Once she looked up at him, something snapped in the exorcists being. His eyes widened and he stared at her.

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