Chapter 12

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Chapter 12: Interrogation

A middle aged woman in a nurses uniform had come in and taken Alicia from me. Naturally Alicia reached for me with tears in her eyes, pleading for me not to do what I was doing. But I just gave her a smile before I turned to Leverrier with a scowl.

My heart cracked as I heard her scream for me after the door shut closed. She was scared...If I were to say I wasn't even a little scared I would be lying. Now being shunned by our family... Our superhuman abilities were weakening. Unless we were to give into our Judas.

"Sit." He ordered, again gesturing to the seat that Alicia was sitting it not to long ago. I complied this time and leaned back in it.

The door soon swung open and in came a rather short and elderly man. His eyes reminding me of a panda. Behind him was a younger man with red hair a an emerald eye. The other eye was covered by an eye patch. Lavi.

When we made eye contact his eye showed a mix of emotions.

"Glad you could join us Bookmen." Leverrier said. "STRIKE!!" Lavi shouted as he went over to me and took my hands in his. "You're a very fine female! Would you please be me girlfrie-" "Stupid Lavi! keep focus!" The oldest male said. Haven't we met already?!? I thought as I mentally laughed at the sight.

I tried fruitlessly to stiffle a chuckle.

"Ehh?? Stupid old panda! what the hell was that for?" Lavi asked annoyed at the fact the older male kicked him. After the elder man spoke to lavi in a low voice Lavi sighed and nodded before glancing at me.

The two new comers went to the corners on his side if the room as they looked at me. Examining me like I was a test subject.

"What are you?" Ahh, the practical question. "A Judas."

"What is a Judas?" He asked. "The same thing as a Noah. Only that we have the blood of the first apostle that betrayed God, Judas. Our abilities are a bit different and so are our numbers." I stated as I looked at the ceiling.

"What Judas are you?" He asked. "Judas of Insanity and Music. I am also my family's magician."

"So you are an enemy of God?" He asked. Is that excitement I hear? I thought. "Naturally yes...but no." I stated.

"I don't believe in such a disgusting thing such as 'God'.. so I can't really be an enemy of something that is fake..." I grinned.

Before I could process it the table was roughly pushed to the side and I faced left. My right cheek burning. "Don't not speak of God in such a vile way." He growled. "Don't you get it?" I stood.

"Your God is nothing but a fake being created by humans that sought power and used such God to obtain obedience from other humans! He doesn't exist-!" My back connected to the wall.

My stomach hurt bad. The wind knocked out of me, "Link." Leverrier said in a deep irritated voice. Before me there was a man who wasn't bad looking though he wore a similar crimson brown refined uniform Leverrier had. "Yes sir." The man, I presumed, Link had walked over to me and grabbed me by my hair then pulled me from the wall. I swear to you I could see a smirk trying to form on his lips as he threw me back into the wall. Only this time, my head connected to the concrete wall. He kept this process up till I felt my legs give out and the warm crimson streaming down my neck. I fell to my side breathing heavily.

"Have you had enough? Judas woman?" I glanced up at him and saw his smirk. "Should I bring in that child-" "Ahhh!!" I screamed as I shot towards him only for Link to kick me into the wall.

I still stood but damn I could image myself all battered and weak looking.. heh... "Leave. Her. Out Of This!" I attacked Link instead and kicked him into the wall.

Let me play!

"How does that feel asswipe!" A large insane grin formed on my pale crimson colored lips. I went for Leverrier next but then a rather large hammer came in between us making me stop.

I looked at Lavi, "Neeee??? You have a death wish Laviiiii~?" Leverrier and the old man looked from me to Lavi who was staring at me with a placid face. Though I could tell it didn't quite reach his eyes.

"Naw just can't let you goin' round and killin' people." He grinned as he retracted his hammer.

"You craving a good fight?"

I looked to Leverrier. His question lingering in the air, "I can see it in your eyes...When you are losing control of yourself they start to flicker inverted colors of your natural eyes." I glanced at the Bookmen. "What of it?" I growled.

"Beat our strongest exorcists and well let you and your little sister leave." I looked at Leverrier, "Unharmed." he added and my eyes widened.

The Magician (D.Gray-Man fanfic) [Tyki Story] {Kanda Story}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ