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he doesn't realize that the quarterback is in his ap anatomy and physiology class until they're assigned to be partners for a project.


"each part of the brain is different," mrs. nerlow says, walking around the room to make eye contact with each of her twelve students. "i want you to write an essay on how the part of your brain i give you not only functions, but how it effects the rest of your body. how would the body work without that part, if at all? what are some examples of when you would use that part of the brain and not another? i want information- and a lot of it in three to four pages. you have one week. use wikipedia? i will set your essay on fire with a bunsen burner from the chemistry lab right in front of you and give you a zero."

aidan shoots daggers at everett, who is grasping onto every word their teacher says.

this is going to be a nightmare.

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