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"i'm breaking up with you," aidan says to her in the middle of making chocolate chip cookies together. the dough is melting from his clammy and feverish hands.

"what?" she turns to look at him, the timer going off in the distance.

"this isn't working out," he says bluntly. "if i could go back in time, i would, so you wouldn't have had to meet me. i'm an asshole."

"so you're not going to even try to fix yourself? you're just going to throw yourself a pity party?" she scoffs in disbelief.

"i thought that maybe you—"

"that i would fix you?" she shakes her head, not able to comprehend how someone can be so independent and yet dependent on another  at the same time. "because my goal was never to fix you. you fix yourself."

"like i said, i'm an asshole," he repeats, eyes trained to the floor.

"okay then, fine, you're such an asshole," she says, and her heart aches. "you used me. you never opened up to me, and why is that? because i'm just another one of your stupid little flings that you can manipulate, right?"

he closes his eyes, but doesn't say anything.

she won't cry, but her voice quivers at the sudden turn of the conversation. "answer me, aidan."

"you were more than that," he whispers. "ever since eve broke up with me, i realized that i never loved her, and i needed to see if that was just how i was with everyone, so yes, i had you as one of my test subjects, but—"

she crosses her arms. "there aren't any 'buts.' was that your plan all along? to sleep with me? to try to stay as far away from attaching yourself as possible?"

"no!" he shakes his head vigorously, eyes watering. "it's about me and who i am, and being you is something that i will never forget."

"being in a relationship with someone and being in love with someone are two different things."

"i'm sorry," he apologizes. "i'm so sorry, yasmine."

"just go," she stands rigid. "please."

he does.

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