Chapter 1

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Adrian's room ^

Adrian's POV:

"Young Master, it's time to wake up. Please hurry, you have work today." Ryan's soft soothing voice entered my ears, making my heart thump faster.

Taking a peep, the usual most beautiful sight came into view. Bright rays of the sun shone right down on his frame as he stood near the curtains, tying them up. The soft glows bounced back, giving me a clear view of his fast beautiful features as if he is the one shining naturally.

When he's done, I shut my eyes quickly as he walked towards my bed. "Young Master, you have to-" Feeling his light touch on my arm, I pulled him down swiftly for him to land hard on top of me before wrapping my arms tightly around his firm waist. Such beautiful structure...

"Good morning beautiful." I whispered into his ears, biting it softly before looking into his eyes which he averted shyly away from my heated gaze.

"Please let me go Young Master, this is inappropriate." He pleaded softly as he struggled futilely in my arms. Cute...

"Give me a kiss and I'll let you go."

"I can't do that Young Master...It's wrong. Please let me go Young Master, Master will get mad if his breakfast isn't served." Urgh...that lazy old bum.

"Fine..." Giving him a soft peck on the side of his eye, he scurried off quickly after a short stun.

Sigh...when is he going to realise that I like him? I've been hinting it to him for 5 years already since the age of 18. It's extremely frustrating that he's so close to me yet I can't touch him anytime I want. Furthermore, he is my first love and crush! I've never liked anyone else since 6.

~Flashback to when Adrian was 6~

"I want a body pillow daddy." He stared down at me weirdly as he place his pen down.

"Why do you need one?"

"Daddy have a body pillow with him every night. I don't." He glanced at me weirdly before his eyes open wide like saucers.

"O-Okay. We can order one for you online." Turning on his laptop, he showed me a screen of body pillows which none looked like his.

"I don't want those daddy. I want one like yours which have sounds like 'ah!' or 'urgh!' when you lie on it. Yours even have hands and legs like a real human's!"

"That's...that's not a body pillow son." Dad stuttered as he turn off his laptop.

"Is it a real human?!" He averted his gaze before nodding slightly. "Then I want one daddy!"

"You can't."

"I don't care! I want a body pillow like daddy's! A real human one!"

"Fine! Ask Trish to bring you to the nearby orphanage." Trish is a full time helper in our house and also like a mum to me since I don't have one. She doesn't even mind that I call her mummy.

"Why orphanage? No toy or bed store? Why can't you bring me daddy?"

"I'm busy and the pillow you want can only be found there. Just make sure that you choose one who you'll sleep with and not throw one side after a day or two."


* At the orphanage *

* At the orphanage *

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Glow In The Dark (B×B) [Book 1 of the Lethal Passion Series]Where stories live. Discover now