Chapter 25

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Lucian's POV:


"..........*contractor talking*.........."

"Don't you dare fuck with me! Postpone?!"

"I'm really sorry sir but with the recent typhoon which lasted for more than a month, we were really unable to continue with the construction of the building or it will not have a firm and strong structure."

"I gave you a year and now you tell me that I have to wait even longer for it to be completed?!"

"I'm really sorry but I really can't help it Sir. We are now resuming work as we speak. So please Sir, give us an extra few months to complete it."



"5? Did you just say...5?"

"Yes, Sir."

"Are you fucking with me? You think that I'll agree to 5 whole damn months?!"

"I'm really sorry Sir but due to the typhoon, we must rebuild the loose structure again before we can continue from where we left off."

"What if I give you more workers? Can it be done in less than 5 months?"

"Yes Sir but it still still take at least 4 more months for it to be completed, that is if the weather continues to remain calm."

"How many do you need?"

"Extra 10, Sir."

"I'll send you 20. Now get to work! I expect it to be done by 6 months from now!"

"Yes Sir!"

Tsk. Fucking 4 more months...just because of the damn 4 months, I have to call the reporters to reschedule the speech, contact Henry to postpone the marriage and also keep a tighter leash on Adrian to prevent him from doing silly things like having a boyfriend...tsk. I forgot I still have that nuisance matter on hand.

I have to really double up my pace. I can't let anything screw up now and lose my share in the 5 billion project with Henry's company. This is essential for the company to flourish. Tsk...I should have just continued running my company myself.

Ryan's POV:

"Guys, Adrian's dad just texted me that the wedding has to be postponed further by 4 more months and that we're going to have a dinner again with the two families this Sunday in hopes that Catherine's dad will accept it." Spreading the news to the three seated in distress, they burst into wide grins as their eyes shone with hope and glee.

"Isn't that great? Now we'll have more time to scan through the contract in depth." Leon said enthusiastically as he let out a long sigh of relief.

"I'll make my dad accept it somehow. Leave my dad to me. Adrian, if my dad questions you anything about what I say, just agree. Okay?" Catherine announces confidently before continuing to read through the contract again and again with much enthusiasm compared to before.

"Okay. We'll go with the flow then. I'm counting on you, Catherine." Adrian said jovially with a sparkle in his eye.

"No problem. So, has anyone found anything yet?"

"Sorry Cath but not is an extremely simple contract so it is hard to find loopholes in it." There's no way one can find loopholes from this sort of contract...

What the contract wrote: 

I, Lucian Black, agrees to the engagement between your daughter and my son. In return, 40% of the project xc176's profit will thus be gained by me will the other 60% will be gained by Henry Robertson. If any party does not follow accordingly, the deal will be off and Black Inc will have to compensate 23 million to the Robertson's company.

Glow In The Dark (B×B) [Book 1 of the Lethal Passion Series]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon