Chapter 22

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Ryan's POV:

"Where are we going after this, Ryan?" Adrian questions softly as we walked towards his next meeting spot.

"You have another meeting at 4 with Mr Richard at Seagate Gallery." Groaning deeply, he let out a long sigh before cracking is knuckles and neck in exhaustion.

"Then that's all, right?"

"Yes. Would you want me to accompany you in?"

"It's alright. I'll get it done within an hour. You can explore the area if you want to." He said carefreely as we stood outside the large doors.

"You sure?"

"Yup. Now go and enjoy. I'll see you at the lobby in an hour." Placing a light kiss on his lips, he smiled warmly before pressing his lips on my forehead.

"Good luck, Adrian."

"Thank you love. I'll see you later then."

"Okay. Now go." Handing him his documents, he sent me a quick smile before entering the meeting room. Now let's see...maybe I can find something he can indulge on after this. I wonder if there's any cafes or shops here which sells good chocolate treats.


Walking down the bustling streets, the sight overwhelmed me as my eyes feasted on the array of colours of the shops and signs. This area is so different from the area we come from. Our's is quiet and grey while here is filled with energy and life.

Thia place is amazing...sadly we won't be able to stay long here...I should really find something-oh! The large signboard with the words TRUFFLENZA caught my eyes instantly, directing all my attention towards the stunning shop.

"Welcome to Trufflenza! Please take your time to pick your choices. We have an array of choices to choose from. From peppermint flavour to smore's flavour. We have 28 flavour you can choose from! We have affordable boxes of 4 for $6, box of 9 for $13 and party box of 20 for $28! You can mix and match much to your delight. Prices only applies from 2-4pm." The staff introduced fluently and excitedly once I entered the shop.

Wow...this place sure is energetic and lively.

"Please don't overwhelm our customer, Jordan." A well-built guy came out from the back of the shop and placed his hand firmly on the staff's shoulder.

"I'm sorry Boss but I'm just so excited to be able to finally get a job!" The staff said eagerly as he smiled brightly at the guy. Oh? That guy is the boss?

"I know but tone down a little okay? You won't want to scare the customers away right?"

"Okay. Sorry Boss." Smiling sheepishly at his boss, his boss chuckled lightly before turning towards my direction.

"I'm sorry Sir for my staff's...attitude? I have no idea how to call it." The boss patted the staff's shoulder firmly before sending him to attend to another customer who have just entered the shop.

"No worries, Sir, he did not overwhelm me. It's really inviting actually."

"Really? I'm glad and please, don't call me Sir. Call me Joseph."

"Yeah. His jolliness is fine, Joseph. And please, call me Ryan."

"Sure. So how can I help you, Ryan?"

"Can you recommend which are the healthier ones?"

"For you?"

"Not really. For a friend. He's been eating too unhealthily the past few days so I thought of getting something of low calorie for him."

Glow In The Dark (B×B) [Book 1 of the Lethal Passion Series]Where stories live. Discover now