Chapter 16

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Adrian's POV:

Hmmm...where should we's too Nah, he doesn't like fancy places. How about....

"Adrian?" What?! When did he come in?! Turning off my laptop, I slammed it shut before giving Ryan a wide smile which he returned with a questioning look on his face.


"Your dad wants you in his office now...what are you hiding from me?" He scrutinised me slightly as I stuffed my laptop into the drawer.

"" Should I ask him now? Later? Now? Er...sigh...I'll just go with now. "Ryan?"

"Yes?" Please say yes. I can't stand this embarrassment already.

"Willyougoonadatewithmelater?" He stared at me blankly as he blinked  confused.

"Come again?"

"W-Will you go on a date with me later? At 5?" A soft blush formed on his cheeks as  he nodded lightly.


"Yeah..." Yes! I can't wait to finally spend some alone time with him. Work is real shit with all the eyes around.

"Yes! Okay, let's go meet my dad." Nodding silently, he followed behind me as we made our way to my dad's office. I can't wait for later.

Ryan's POV:

*Knock Knock*

"Come-" Before his dad can even complete his sentence, Adrian pushed his doors open and trudged in nonchalantly.

"I've brought him here as you wish, Master." He nodded firmly before waving me aside and motioning Adrian towards him.

"What do you want me for?" Adrian asked a little annoyed, ticking his dad off by the looks of him gritting his teeth and murderous looking eyes.

"Ungrateful brat...anyway, you are going on a date with Catherine tonight at 6-" A loud smash filled the room, followed by a moment of silence and then Adrian's infuriated tone.

"What?! Who say that I'll be going out with her?!" He slammed his clenched fists on his dad's desk, knuckles turning whiter with every passing second.

"Me. Got a problem?" His dad said calmly despite Adrian being close to flipping his desk.

"I will not go put with her! Especially today!" Adrian glared at his dad furiously, making his dad glare back at him, none backing down.




"I'm having a meeting later at 6."

"Is the company going to earn more than 5 million out of it?"


"Then don't bother. Postpone it."


"Shut up! I won't listen to any stupid excuses of yours. If I hear one more word from you, I swear I will find the person you like and give him a hard time. You hear me?" A cold chill ran down my back when he warned Adrian seriously without a hint of hesitation in his tone.

"I hate you!"

"Good for me. Get loss now."

"Fine! Ryan, follow me."

"No. Ryan stays."

"Why should he stay?!"

"It's alright, Young Master. I'll be out soon." He stared at me intensely with cautious eyes as his dad waited patiently for him to exit.

Glow In The Dark (B×B) [Book 1 of the Lethal Passion Series]Where stories live. Discover now