Chapter 44

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*Months later*

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*Months later*

Ryan's POV:

"Bye Teacher Ry!"

"Bye bye Teacher Ryan!"

"Bye cher!"

"See you, Teacher Ryan!" My students bid me goodbye energetically before running quickly to their parents with their backpack in hand.

"Bye kids! See you all tomorrow!" Waving back at my bunch of energy-filled students, they gave me one last goofy grin before walking away with their parents hand-in-hand as they chatted excitedly about their day at school.

Damn. Children nowadays are really carefree and lovable. Not to say, they're really adorable.

"Ryan! You done?" Adrian called out my name as he jogged swiftly to my side in his suit.

"Yeah. Let me lock the doors up first. I'll meet you back in the car?"

"Okay. But be fast alright? Catherine is seriously bothering the hell out of me. She calls me like every 15 damn minutes to check if I've picked you up already or not since 5! I haven't even knocked off yet for goodness sake!" He ranted in frustration as I chuckled at Catherine's antics. She's really a pro at making Adrian annoyed.

Nodding, he let out a long breath of relief before picking up his ringing phone and screaming into it as he stomped irritatedly towards his car. Seems like it was Catherine who called to pester him again.

Locking up the main door and gate, I took my bag before walking towards Adrian's direction as I recollected of what had happened till now. Ever since the day when Adrian's father got sentenced to jail, Adrian had fully taken over his business while I've applied to become a kindergarten teacher.

I neither want to forever rely on Adrian to live my live nor move back with Arien and the rest back to their country so I decided to stay here with Adrian and live a peaceful life. Of course, I'm still part of their group so I'll still have regular training periods and will be assigned tasks with them.

To say that I'm happy with my life now is an understatement. I'm enjoying every second of my life right now and I couldn't wish for better.

"Hurry up Ryan!" Adrian hollered impatiently from the car, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Yes yes."

Adrian's POV:

"Ryannnnn!" Catherine shrieked in excitement as she jumped onto Ryan, bringing him into a suffocating hug as she pushed me away from his side. Tsk. That woman.

"Hi Catherine." Ryan smiled in response as he let Catherine down gently.

"It's been so long, hun. How are you? Is Adrian treating you well? How is your job? All going well? How's-" Catherine blabbed on and on like a mother hen as she questioned Ryan worriedly.

Glow In The Dark (B×B) [Book 1 of the Lethal Passion Series]Where stories live. Discover now