Chapter 37

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Hi Loves! Just a quick note here. If you see two chapters of 36, please ignore one. Wattpad screwed the chapter up so i have no idea if now there's two or one of it but oh well, it's nothing much of a trouble. Pardon me and I hope that the story's still okay until now? Do feel free to comment your thoughts! I don't bite...or do I? *adds evil grin* . JKJK 🤣🤣🤣

Ryan's POV:

"Here's your temporary identification documents and your identification card. If you have any more questions, feel free to ask me." Arien says calmly as he handed me all the relevant documents that I'll need. It's been a month since I've woke up and I'm now free to be discharged from the hospital.

"Thank you, Arien." He gave me a light smile as he helped to sign the relevant documents for my discharge. For the whole month, he's been helping me in all ways possible and we've become friends along the way.

"No probs, Rey." Helping me up, he supported me all the way into his police car before driving off into the distance until we've reached a white high-rise building. "We're here."

"Where are we, Arien?"

"This will be your temporary living place. The government provides housing like this to people like you who are in similar cases like yours." He explains as he led me into the building and towards the front counter.

"Name?" The receptionist asked before Arien could even speak up. She must be used to this...


"Level 12, room 36." She handed him a set of keys which he then handed to me before we too the stairs up. There's no lift in this building and I'm not going to complain. I'm more than glad to have a roof over my head.

Arien climbed the flight of stairs up the building with ease while I lagged behind him, panting slightly as I struggled to catch up with him. 2 months of only lying in bed really makes one unfit to the max. I feel like my legs are going to give way with the sudden exercise.

"Rey, you okay?" He asked with slight worry in his tone when he turned around to find me a short flight of stairs behind him.

"Yeah. I'm fine." Giving him a reassuring look, I took a deep breath before rushing back to his side with the help of the railings, I feel like a old man...

Upon reaching the 12th storey, he pushed the door open to reveal a long stretch of walkway with doors on both sides. Wow...this is like a mini hotel...just one without lifts.

"This is your room." He pointed at a door just opposite a water dispenser as he urged me to open the door.

Slotting the key into the keyhole, I unlocked the door to find a nice and simple room in stored for me. Wow. This is better than I've expected.

 This is better than I've expected

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"Is this room okay?"

"Yup! I love it."

"Great. Now lock the door and make yourself comfortable." Obeying his words without hesitation, I took a seat on the chair as he made himself comfortable on the shelf before removing a envelope from his backpack and passing it to me.

"What's this?"

"The Government gives each of you a sum of money monthly. You'll receive $300 monthly and you have to self collect the money from the receptionist downstairs. Breakfast and dinner will be provided in the canteen at level 4. For water, it's outside your room so I don't have to say much about it. Let's see...did I miss out anything else?" He pondered as he got sucked into his world.

"Oh ya! You also have to get a job. Those who are not willing to work by the end of a month, starting from the date they've entered, are kicked out of the dormitory without prior notice. I've found a list of jobs which you may be interested in. If you can give me your decisions by today, that'll be the best." He pointed at the envelop as he informed me the do's and don't's in the building.

Opening the envelope, I took out the piece of paper with revealed a long list of temporary jobs available currently, ranging from pump attendants to waiters to cleaners. Scanning through the job list carefully, a job caught my eye instantly as I pointed it to Arien who just nodded in surprise.

"So... Admin staff in the Police Station. Confirm?"

"Yeah. I feel that it'll be a suitable job for me."

"Okay then. Then I'll take the liberty to explain this job to you since it's in the same station that I work in." My eyes opened wide in disbelief at his casual comment, making him grin at my reaction.

"I'll be glad. Thank you."

"No worries. Let's see...okay, this job is actually very simple. All you have to do is-" He explained the whole job scope in detail and surprisingly, it was actually a very simple job. "Oh ya, it's $9 per hour and pay days are on every last working day of every month. So...all clear?"


"Great. So when can you start work?" He questions eagerly with a bright smile on his face as he jotted down some details on his notebook which I've no idea where he got it from.

"Um...can I start tomorrow? I want to get some clothes that I could look presentable tomorrow..."

"Of course. Here's the address by the way. Then I'll get going now. See you tomorrow, Rey."

"Have a nice day, Arien."

"You too." Closing the door behind him, I locked the door once again before lying down onto the single bed as I stared at the white ceiling.

For some reason, my heart aches. I feel...lonely...I wonder if anyone feels the same...

I wonder where did I come from and who I really am. Thousand of questions ran chaotically in my mind, giving me a headache when I even try to think of an answer to my question. Does anyone miss me? How was I living before I ended up here? Did I have anyone to love or loves me back? Questions kept on flowing into my mind endlessly even though I tried to block them out.

All I know currently is that I have to survive through this whole ordeal first.

Making up my mind, I grabbed my keys and a fifty from the envelope before exiting the room and down the stairs, not before locking my door again, of course. If I'm going to live my life here, I might as well try my best to live to the fullest. But first, I have to do some clothes shopping.

Foreign I come!

Glow In The Dark (B×B) [Book 1 of the Lethal Passion Series]Where stories live. Discover now