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The first thing I heard when I came to my senses was a beeping sound. It was constant, healthy. Then the smells came.

It smelled like medication, and I knew that I was in the hospital instantly. I opened my eyes, and took in the area before me. I was in a hospital room, lying on a comfy hospital table, and I had multiple needles in my arms.

I hate needles.

So much.

I slowly pulled the needles out, hissing at the pain, but ignoring the small droplets of blood that followed. I sat up slowly, allowing the dizziness to overpower me.

The dizziness soon faded, and I glanced around the room.

The small doctors room had a small counter in the corner, with a door beside it, which I had assumed was a bathroom.

The rest of the room was plain, with a few chairs beside me, and a tv was mounted to the wall in front of my bed.

I glanced down, feeling thick bandages covering my stomach. I put my hand gently on the bandages that surrounded my stomach and back. It burned, and I hissed once again.


And that's when everything came back. The knife, the boys surrounding me, me blacking out.

Someone had tried to kill me.

I nearly blacked out again.

I first racked my brain on who it could've been. It had to have been someone who either hates me, hates the boys, or hates werewolves.

And that's when it clicked.

Hunters. Of course, why didn't I think of it?

And if it isn't Hunters, then someone has some problems.

I flicked the tv to Last Man Standing, and watched the rest of the episode, chuckling at Mandy and Mike. My favorite character was Eve, though.


A few hours later, the door opened, and the boys walked in, each one wearing a grim expression.

Dylan had deep circles under his eyes. Mason was pale. Anthony had a stricken expression. Leo seemed to be in pain. And Luca looked as if he saw someone kick a puppy.

"Are you guys okay?" I asked uncertainly. Their eyes snapped to mine, and relief flashed through each of theirs. Dylan ran up - yes, ran up - and kissed me deeply.

I kissed him back gently, and as he pulled away, Anthony shoved him aside. He leaned down, and captured my lips with his. He gained control, and he wrapped his arms around me protectively, before pulling away gently. I smiled, my heart rate picking up.

Leo and Mason seemed to be shoving each other over who would get to kiss me next. Luca took advantage of their bickering, and leaned down next to me, and put his lips on mine. A possessive growl came from the back of his throat when I kissed back. He kissed along my jaw, before taking a shuddering breath, and muttering something like ,"I can't hold back anymore." He grabbed my wrist, and, while putting it to his mouth, brushed his sharp canines against my wrist. I held back a scream of shock, and tried to jerked my wrist away, but his grip stayed.

He dug his teeth into my wrist and silent tears fell down my face.

Before Luca could pull away, he was ripped away from me, causing me to let out a deep, shaky breath.

I turned my head to see Leo trying to punch Luca. Both boys looking pissed.


The two boys stopped, and reluctantly pulled away from each other. I glared at Luca.

"Just let me go home."


After going back to my apartment from the hospital, I rested on my soft violet comforter, and watched my friends mates standing around the small area.

They seemed to be murmuring to each other, their gazes dark.

I had decided something in that hospital, too.

While I was out, I mean.

"Leo, Anthony, Dylan," I called out softly.

The boys stopped, and Leo, Anthony, and Dylan came to me.

I let out a small breath of fear, and gave them a look.

They seemed to understand what I was saying, and they circled me.

Anthony started. He bent down, and kissed my collarbone gently, grazing his fangs against my soft skin. I braced myself for the impact, ready to be marked by him.


Love filled inside me, and my wolf howled for me to mark her, make her mine. But I knew I had to share her. It's okay, as long as I got her attention.

I burried my fangs inside of her collarbone, tasting her delicious blood in my mouth. I felt her stiffen, and my heart cracked. This must be painful for her. I slowly pulled my teeth out, and licked away her dripping blood.

The urge to keep her for myself started to overpower me. I had to force my wolf back, only to keep my mate safe and happy.

I moved away from her, and watched as Leo and Dylan marked her too. Dylan on her left side of the neck, and Leo on her shoulder. She arched her back slightly, and closed her eyes. When the boys all moved away, we each admired our own mark that rested on her.

I knew these guys would help me protect her. Even if it meant I had to hold myself back, I would keep this beautiful girl, my mate, happy.

Because I love her.

And she's mine.

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