Why Did This Happen?

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I want to apologize in advance if anyone has had any experience or incident with rape, molestation, or any kind of sexual cruelty in their life. I apologize in advance. Please don't be offended with anything in this chapter, but it's a part of the story so I need to put it in. Thank you guys and enjoy the chapter!


When I came to, all I saw was black. Maybe that was because I was facing the ceiling.

Idiot, Uri muttered.

Shut up.

I slowly widened my eyes to try to wake up, or at least remember something. A small ache came from the corner of my neck, where my shoulder meets it. I couldn't help but stick my arm up to rub at it. When I pressed my hand to my neck, I could feel a small bump there. No, two small bumps. Followed by another two inside and diagonal to each of the top bumps. It was a mark.

A tingle of pleasure shot through me, making me hold back a moan. But something felt wrong. I moved my hand to my forearm, to feel for Luca's mark, only to come up empty handed. I started to panic.

That's when I felt the arms around me. They felt warm, comforting. But I could feel a sense of dread where that arm came in contact with my skin. I hated the feeling just as much as I loved it. This isn't Mason's, Leo's, Luca's, Anthony's, or Dylan's.


I turned around slowly.

Resting behind me, his body barely away from mine, was Jesse. I bit back a scream.

Fear coursed through my veins, as everything came back to me. He removed their marks. I felt tears pool in my eyes. Sadness flowed through my veins. All of the memories I had with the guys. The feelings, the moments, the kisses, the touches. He took them.

He took everything from me.

I could feel my Uri sadly turn towards Jesse and his wolf, and communicate with them. I was sad too. He forced his mark onto us, thus changing fate and making us his mate. It was one of the worst things you could do if you still have a living mate. It's truly awful. I could feel hate running through my blood, pumping it faster. As if on cue, Jesse's golden eyes opened. When he saw me, a smile lit up his features. And he tightened his muscled arms, pulling me closer to him. I whimpered, fear rising up through me. This man could do anything he wanted, and I wouldn't be able to stop him. He was just too strong.

Jesse's eyes softened, and he raises one hand, and tucked a lock of my hair behind my ear, and leaned forward to kiss my forehead. I cringed back in disguist, which seemed to piss him off. He flipped me suddenly, and pinned my arms down on the bed, resting above me. A look of lust passed through his eyes, and I could scent strong sexual desire in the room. Jesse leaned close to my ear. "You are mine now, mate. Mine to do anything with. I love you. You are so beautiful. You don't understand how much I want to touch you and claim you," he whispered seductively, causing chills to force their way onto my skin.

I growled, and ripped my arms from his grip. "You do NOT own me. Got it? I am my own person. You are nothing to me. My mates are my boys. You are not them," I hissed.

Shouldn't have done that.

Jesse let out a ferocious roar. It seemed to shake the whole room, making the furniture vibrate.

He grabbed my arms again, and pinned them above my head, he grabbed both wrists tightly with one hand, securing them. I screamed, fear shaking me to my core. Jesse leaned down, and started to gently nibble on his mark, forcing me to let out a small whine. I couldn't help it. It was the forced mate bond.

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