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WARNING: This chapter contains crude and sexual language, and violence. You have been warned.


The door opened silently, not alerting me of the presence that rested behind my bed. At the sound of a throat clearing, I whipped my head around. I stared at no other than Alessandro. He smiled lustfully at me.

"You look incredibly sexy in that outfit, little blood slave," he whispered huskily, before gliding towards me. He always seems to be gliding instead of walking like any other normal creature.

I glanced down at my clothes in disguise. You couldn't even call them clothes. I was wearing a tight red silk dress that hugged my body like a second skin, and went down to halfway down my thighs. The top barely went over my sadly large breasts.

I felt violated.

Alessandro rested his hands on my waist, which seemed to crawl lower and rest on my bottom. He chuckled as I flushed, and tried to get out of his grip.

He had been taking about doing the deed, but he had never done it until tonight. I know he's going to do it because this is the most revealing thing I've worn since being here. I literally had nothing on under this dress. Nothing.

He pulled my boy flush against his, and wrapped his arms around me possessively. Fear crawled up my spine. I don't want this. Not now. Not by him.

But my boys will be here soon. I know it.

Once Alessandro started to pull down my dress, I snapped. A loud slap echoes through the room. Alessandro had frozen, his cheek now a bright red in the shape of a handprint. His features turned strict, and he grabbed my wrists roughly.

He started to drag me from the room. Tears streamed down my face. I was terrified of what he was going to do. He dragged me through a doorway, and made his way down a flight of stairs.

He took me to the dungeon. He opened one of the free cages, and ripped my dress off of me. I screamed. The men in other cages who had enough strength left whistled and let out cat-calls. I was flaming and shaking. Alessandro dragged me through the cell, and shoved me against the wall. He slammed his lips against mine. I heard the clink of metal, before I felt the cuffs wrap around my arms and legs. Silver cuffs.

I screamed into Alessandro's mouth. But he just smirked, and backed away. He grabbed a whip off of the table I just now saw, and turned back to me. His eyes gleamed with a hunger that was unknown to me. He lightly traced the whip across my bare body, and I shivered, feeling the leather across my skin. This was going to hurt like a bitch.

Then he pulled back the whip.


We crashed through the front door. Vampire stench came from all around us. But we already took out everyone.

While we were searching, Anthony and Dylan came upon the scent trail of vampires. We quickly set up, without a plan, and set out immediately. We wanted our girl back ASAP.

We stormed through what looked like a dungeon, and made our way after the scent of our mate. But we all stopped when we smelt it.



Alessandro set the whip back in it's place. But this time it was covered in blood. My blood.

The tears wouldn't stop flowing down my fave. My entire body was covered in whip cuts. Blood dropped down my limbs, everywhere. All I saw was pain. I didn't realize you could see it, but now I understand you can. Pain was everywhere. I wanted to scream, but that would only cause more pain.

Alessandro moves back to me, and gently cupped my face, the only thing he went easier on. But he still hit it a lot.

He rubbed his thumbs over my cuts, causing me to wince. He shuddered in pleasure. He grabbed my neck, and forced my lips on his. The movement caused me to hiss in pain, but I was blocked from making the noise.

Suddenly, he was shoved off. Relief flooded through me. Standing there was three large wolves. A brown wolf, another brown wolf, and a blonde wolf. They started to tear into Alessandro's screaming body, as two familiar figures rushed to me. Leo and Luca. They quickly unchained me, and wrapped me in their embrace, burying their heads into my neck, and inhaling my scent. They seemed to release their tense breaths, and both hugged me tighter.

Dylan, Mason, and Anthony all came over to me, and each took their turns passing me around and sniffing me. They all seemed to calm down once they confirmed I was actually here.
They quickly rushed me or if the house, telling me how much they loved me and soothing things. The cuts and burns stung, which only made me want to knock out.

But with the soothing movement of my boys, it wasn't long until I let the darkness take over.

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