His Return

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WARNING - This chapter contains violent language.

1 Week Later


Ever since that werewolf threatened us at our own doorstep, the guys have kept me locked down. It's like a prison now. Except they were all gentle with me. But if I get one more scolding speech for suggesting to go out, I will rip them all a new one about this. Even Uri is pissed.

"For the last time, you are not going out!" Mason slammed his fist against the long kitchen table that somehow had enough chairs to sit all six of us whenever we used it. Which was never. I fumed silently, rage overtaking me. We should show him his place. He's our mate, not our master, Uri howled, ready to come out. I felt a strong, warm hand wrap around mine comfortingly, and I glanced over at Anthony.

He gave me a small smile. "Remember, we're all just scared for your safety. We love you, and we don't want anyone getting you," he mind-linked me. Uri sighed dreamily, instantly calming down. I sighed in exasperation, and nodded my head. I glanced back at Mason, who was silently fuming, while staring at Anthony's hand.

I stood up, and glared at Mason. "YOU listen to ME. Got that? I'm going out with or without your consent. It's been a week Mason. A fucking week. I'm not staying here any longer. Got me?" I growled. Mason looked shocked.

Since we had to pay for food, water bills, electric bills, and everything else, Leo, Luca, and Dylan all worked. Which left Anthony, Mason, and me at home. Which meant I had to deal with their period-fits. I shouldn't have to. They're guys. When one snapped at me, the other comforted me. And vise-versa. And I'm tired of it.

"You are not leaving this house. You're mine! Ours, I mean," Mason added, after Anthony let out a low snarl. I tried to not let out a laugh.

Thankfully, it stayed in.

"I'm going out. Now you all can either come with me and follow. Or you can stay and watch me leave." I turned, and stalked up to my room.

I closed the door, and locked it to be safe. I changed into a red crop-top, and a pair of dark high-waisted skinny jeans. I slipped on a pair of white high top converse.

I left my hair as it, and let it fall down into its long naturally ribbon-like curls on my back. It added to my natural beauty. Or at least that's what I've heard.

I then opened my make-up bag, and applied some eye shadow, eyeliner, making sure to style it as a cat-eye, added some mascara, blush, concealer on my scars, but there were hardly any on my face anymore somehow, and added blood-red lipstick, making my lips look bold. I knew the guys would go crazy protective over my looks, but why not get some revenge while I can? I giggled evilly to myself, and Uri joined in.

I opened my door, after checking my phone. It's now 3 pm. My goodness I spent two hours in my room.

I made my way downstairs, to see all of the guys there. They sat on the two black leather couches in the living room, facing the 75 inch flat screen tv. Of course, I thought, watching the football game behind them.

They seemed to all sense my presence, and they all turned. When they all saw me, their eyes darkened, showing their wolves were in control. I suppressed a shiver. Uri howled in joy at the attention she was getting from her mates. She seemed to be talking to the male wolves, Griffin, River, Alcoy, Rydis, and Islo.

Griffin was Leo's wolf, and he was constantly dominate in every situation. Not to say the other guys weren't excessively, but Griffin topped the cake.

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