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A loud crash ricocheted throughout the house. I sprang from my bed, alert.

It's nighttime, 3 am to be specific. Everyone was asleep by this time. The crash sounded from the front door. The guys seemed to have heard the noise too, because I could hear four pairs of footsteps crashing down the stairs to the front door, where I could hear arguing going on.

Fear encased my body. What if one of my guys gets hurt? I opened my door to see Dylan ready to open it. I sighed in relief. At least one of my boys is okay.

As I thought this, another loud bang came from downstairs. Then gunshots sounded through the air.

I shrieked at the loud noises. Dylan tackled me to the floor and protected me instinctively. The ground under us shook from the noises and vibrations of the guns, and just as quickly as they started, they faded into the silent air.

I crashed down the stairs after my boys, the primal instinct to protect them kicking in. Adrenhaline shot through my veins, pumping through my system. I landed on the last step. I made my way down the halls. Mason trailed behind me.

I raced into the clearing of our entrance room. Standing there, Leo and Anthony were both covered in blood. I wasn't stupid. I knew it wasn't their own blood.

Which meant someone was in this house. Oh God.

Dylan and Luca were panting, and in between them, a body was limp on the ground. Blood leaked from nearly every part of the man's body. A gun rested next to him.

I shrieked in horror. I had to clamp a hand over my mouth to prevent the bile from coming out. How disturbing.

I ran to check on my boys. They were all luckily okay. "What the hell happened here?!" I shouted, ready to knock sense into them all.

Dylan moved swiftly towards me. He wrapped his slender arms around me, trapping me against his warmth. "Shhhh, it's okay. Everything is fine now," he murmured into my ear. He soothed me gently, cooing words to me. I trembled beneath his embrace.

I tried to shove Dylan away. He didn't let me go. He merely kissed me gently on the lips. He pulled me tighter to him, and nipped at my bottom lip, tempting me to open my mouth. I refused, hoping to punish him. He groaned in annoyance. Then I felt a second pair of hands grip my waist hungrily. I gasped in shock, allowing Dylan to shove his tongue in my parted lips, exploring all of my mouth.

The second body pressed tightly against mine, distracting me from every other thought. Dylan gently released his punishing hold on my lips. He smirked while backing away. I snapped out of my daze, as the second body also backed away. I was lucky my legs weren't jelly yet. I gasped, suddenly enraged at myself and those two boneheads for what they did. I slapped Mason harshly.

His face snapped to the side, shock was written on his face. He had a surprised look on his face, which quickly turned to anger. I felt a hand snatch my wrist, and jerk me away from the scorching glare of Mason, who now has a handprint that was bright red on his tanned cheek.

Leo jerked me to face him. I was surprised I didn't get whiplash from how harshly I turned. He was seething with anger. I didn't understand why. These men defiled me just because they think I'm weak and can't handle what's happening here. I can't believe them!

"Listen to me, you never slap your mates. Do you understand me? That dead man you saw, he was the man from the door a while back, the one that declared war. We found him on our doorstep this was with a few hunters. We're just lucky he's out of the way," he growled angrily. I still had shock on my face. This man was the alpha that declared war on us! I'm so relieved that we don't have that problem anymore. Although I can't believe what happened to him.

And did Leo just tell me what to do with my life? I snarled at him, pissed that he snapped at me. I poked my finger harshly at his chest. "Now you listen here! I'm your mate not some slut that you can just order around and then use for sexual fucking pleasure! That's not how this works. And if you think that then you can be my guest and leave! I want respect from my mates, and I can't believe that you would manipulate me like that. How is that respect? Until you can respect me, stay the fuck away. Got that?" I hate the fact that I practically told my mates to fuck off, in fact it broke my heart, but I will never take disrespect. Especially from people that I love so much.

The shock on their faces had me sighing in defeat. My heart tore. They really wanted me to just be obedient? Never. I huffed, before moving upstairs, and slamming my bedroom door closed. I quickly locked it.

I can't believe those incompetent men. Until they learn respect, I'm not coming out. They can blame themselves for me starving myself.

Maybe that's a bit much, muttered Uri.

I don't care, I snapped back. I didn't mean to be mean to her, I was just in a bad mood.

The loud knocking and pleading for me to unlock my door came all day and night, but I refused.

Not until they learn, I thought.

(I'm crying right now. You're probably wondering why. Well, there's only going to be one more chapter and an epilogue left in this series. I'm super bummed, but really satisfied at my finished book. I knows it's shorter than most books, but after experiencing writer's block, I think this is as far as I can go. Thank you guys so much for your support! Until the next chapter guys, see ya!)

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