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I sniffed and slid down the cold metal of the lockers in the school hallways.

Everyone was already free from school, but I didn't want to go home because at home thing sucked.

I wiped away a few tears falling from my eyes.

I hated my life. I didn't have any friends, I hated coming home to my parents either fighting or no one at all and I was always tired.

I tried to distract myself by getting lost in my imagination, but most of the time I didnt have any inspiration and had to face the reality eventually.

''Are you okay?'' Because of my tears, my vision was blurry and I couldn't catch the person sitting next to me.

''Y-yeah.'' I blinked a few times and saw Timothée Chalamet, aka the schools bad boy, sitting next to me.

''What's the matter?'' He asked softly and caring. I shrugged.

I stayed silent and looked at the ground.

''Shouldn't you go home?'' He asked curiously.

I cringed at the word 'home'. Home had no meaning to me.

Not anymore.

''Guess I don't want to.'' He came closer and laid his head on my shoulder.

''That makes two of us.'' He said after a few moments.

We sat like that in complete but comfortable silence for what felt like ages.

''Do you wanna go somewhere?'' He said after a while.

''Where to?'' He smirked and got up, grabbing my hand and pulling me with him.

''You'll see.'' He said mysteriously.

I followed him and ended up in his car driving somewhere I had no clue of.

We arrived at the mall and I smiled once I saw we were going to get ice cream.

''So, what flavor?'' He asked as he gazed at me intensely.

''Uhm, strawberry cheesecake.'' I said as I looked at all the delicious flavors in front of me.

I licked my lips, but stopped once I saw Timothée looking at me with a smirk.

''I can pay for it myself, though.'' I said, changing the subject.

''No, I'm treating you.'' He said, determined on his decision.

I bit my lip and nodded, blushing slightly.

Once we got our ice creams we took a seat at one of the tables in the parlor.

''So tell me, why'd you feel sad?'' I looked at him and sighed.

''I don't know, I just hate how my home situation is. I also sleep really bad which affects my grades and my parents mood. I also don't have friends at school, which kind of sucks but that okay though, I can go without. I guess I just don't see the point of my life right now... but I'll manage.'' I said. Timothée grabbed my hand and pinched it lightly.

''Although it may not seem like it right now, things will get better. And if you let me, I can be your friend.'' Timothée said reassuringly.

''Why?'' His eyebrows shut up.

''Why what?'' He questioned.

''Why do you care?'' I asked again.

''I don't know, you seem different.'' I smiled lightly and felt my cheeks redden.

I was thankful that I was finally noticed by someone.


''Anytime.'' He winked and my heart melted a bit.


If you're ever feeling down, please don't be afraid to tell someone. It will make you feel so much better knowing that there will be people who are willing/able to help you. You can also talk to me via PM, I know exactly what you're feeling and I can be there for you if you need me.

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