-date night-

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I looked at myself in the mirror, being satisfied with what I saw.

I was wearing a black dress with spaghetti straps, I matched it with a pair of white adidas Stan Smiths .

Shortly after the doorbell rang and I my heart skipped a beat, it always did when I felt Timmy's presence.

I walked downstairs quickly and opened the door. I immediatly wrapped my arms around Timothée and hugged him like I hadn't seen him in forever.

''Hello to you too.'' He chuckled and kissed my lips.

''I'm so excited, where are we going?'' I questioned.

He smirked and grabbed my hand.

''You'll see.'' He said mysteriously.

I pinched his hand lightly and smiled at him.

Whenever I was around him, I would never feel sad or mad and stuff. He would always make me feel good and happy, most of the time with no reason.

''Thanks.'' I said truthfully to him.

''For what?'' He asked in confusion.

''Just for being there and for always making me happy.'' I commented.

He smiled, his eyes were still focused on the road.

''Then thank you too, because you do the same for me." He answered with a huge grin on his face.

After fifteen minutes of driving we arrived at a lake, with next to it, I assumed, a restaurant.

Timmy opened the car door and lend his hand to help me out of the car.

We walked inside and I looked around me, stunned by the amount of colorful lights that were shining everywhere.

"I made a reservation for two." He said to the waiter. He nodded and gestured for us to come with him.

We didn't get a table inside, in fact, not even outside. I did notice a white boat with a table for two persons, but that couldn't possibly be for us, right?

Timmy smirked as we came closer to the boat. My eyes widened and I looked at Timmy in awe.

The boat too was lit up with the same colorful little lights and there was a table with a white tablecloth, two chairs and a vase with a rose in it.

"It's beautiful." I commented as I took a seat.

"It indeed is." He agreed as he took the seat across from me.

The waiter came and poured champagne in our glasses, which after he left we toasted and sipped.

In the meantime the boat had started sailing across the river, leaving the habited world behind us til it was just Timmy and me (and the waiter, but that doesn't matter.)

"So what's this all about?" I asked suspiciously. He smirked and took my hand, guiding me to an open space in the middle of the deck.

Music started playing and the moonlight made our shadows dance on the surface.

Timothée grabbed my hand with his and swayed the other one gently around my middle.

As he hummed along the music he guided me over the deck and rocked us back and forth on the rhythm of the music.

''I can't believe I get to have you, every minute I get to spend with you is a gift from god himself.'' He whispered in my ear.

''I remember everything, from our first date to those little moments at night when you think I'm sleeping, but you still talk to me anyway.'' He continued.

We were still dancing while he was saying cute things which made my heart flutter.

''I want you, all of you. I want you even when you don't want yourself, I want you when you don't want me back, all I want is you for the rest of my life. So I'm asking you,-'' he stopped, breathed nervously through his nostrils, grabbed a box out of his pocket and got down on one knee.

''Will you do me the honor of being my wife and spending the rest of your life with me?'' He asked hopeful with his eyes widened, waiting for my answer. He opened the box, revealing a beautiful silver ring with a multicolored diamond on it.

In that moment, time stood still.

The only thing I could hear was the water that
lapped against the boat, the wind dat rushed along my ear and our hearts beating uncontrollable.

''Timmy. I love you so much, I will always love you. Yes, yes I'll marry you.'' I felt tears brim in my eyes and smiled out of pure joy. Timmy smiled back and put the mesmerizing ring on my finger.

I hugged him and kissed him and all I wanted to do in that moment was show this guy how much I loved him back.

We took our seats and toasted again, both with smiled on our face.

''To us, forever.'' He said.

''To us, forever.''


I low key cried writing this lol.

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