-The Cheerleader and The Nerd part 2-

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Together with my friends, I arrived tipsily at the party. I was greeted by dozens of people, as usual, and I greeted them back with a forced smile.

The only thing I wanted was to get Timmy back. I was going to fight for him and I didn't care anymore if people knew about him and me.

I didn't even know if Timmy was going to be there, but I took my chances and went searching for him, leaving my friends behind on the dance floor.

I first went outside, scanning the crowd, but I didn't have any luck so I went to the kitchen, thinking I wouldn't find him there either since he didn't drink.

I was wrong.

In the corner, next to the fridge, I saw Timmy standing there with his phone in his hand, texting eagerly and avoiding any eye contact with others.

I walked up to him, pulled him with me to te dance floor and kissed him like I had never kissed anyone like that.

He was taken aback at first, but he quickly restored himself and kissed me back with full passion.

Around us, it went quiet and I saw people look at us in utter shock. Some were whispering, some were laughing and some were pointing, but I didn't care because Timmy was the only thing that mattered.

I figured people would now see me as a loser too, but it didn't matter because I had Timmy back.

''I'm sorry. I love you.'' I whispered in his ear so that nobody would hear the words that were meant for him only.

''It's fine, don't worry. I love you too.'' He reassured me. I smiled and looked around me for the first time.

''So you're dating the nerd?'' Caitlyn asked with a chuckle. I smiled proudly, not letting her get to me.

''Yeah, you got a problem with that?'' I said, raising my eyebrows.

''Well, it's obviously going to affect you status, maybe you should consider giving up cheerleading.'' She said. A few girls behind her nodded. I smirked.

''Caitlyn, honey, I think that you're just fucking jealous that I can actually keep a guy for longer than a sex session. Maybe I should kick you off the team for being such a bitch and trying to control my life.'' I said harshly, but still smirking. She stayed quiet and turned around with a groan, walking away.

People looked at me with widened eyes, but stayed quiet and eventually everyone went on with partying.

I walked to my best friend and she smiled at me.

''I knew it.'' She said with a smirk.

Timmy and I looked at each other and then at her, laughing.

His arm was around my shoulder and I had both my arms wrapped around his torso. I kissed his cheek and he kissed the top of my head.

I didn't know what would happen to us now the cat was out of the bag, but I didn't care because I had Timmy back and that was the only thing that mattered.


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