-he leaves you part 3-

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For many people who asked for a continuation! ❤️


I stared at the crumbled paper that I just got out of my pocket.

It had been there for a few weeks, while I fought the urge not to call him.

But I failed and here I was, about to type in his number and hear his voice I'd been trying to shut out for so long.

''Hello?'' The beautiful yet known voice answered after two times of ringing.

''Hey.'' I answeres blankly, trying to suppress my emotions.

''So you're ready to talk, I suppose?'' He stated, not hardly trying to hide his happiness.

''I give you five minutes to explain. Meet me at eight in front of the clock tower.'' I said, before hanging up and sighing deeply.

I wasn't going to forgive him, I told myself sternly. But I knew that when I would be around him longer than ten seconds I would fall for him all over again.

He has this effect on me that no one has, and I hated it.

To kill some time, I played with Thomas and cleaned a little. At six thirty I made dinner and at seven I put Thomas in bed, reading him a bedtime story and kissing him goodnight. Once I made sure he was asleep, I changed my outfit and freshened my face.

I was anxious to leave Thomas alone in the house, but I knew things were going to be fine and that I needed to be more anxious for the talk.

At eight I stepped in the car and drove to the spot we decided to meet, purposely leaving so late to make him wait a little longer.

Was he feeling anxious too? Or was he feeling anything at all?

When I arrived, he sat there with his head in his hands and his foot tapping impatiently on the pavement.

''You have five minutes.'' I said, startling him from his thoughts as he jumped up.

''I love you. I've always loved you and I was a fucking fool for leaving you. Hell, I was so miserable without you, I didn't think I'd survive the aching feeling in my heart. I'm stupid and I don't deserve you, but without you I'm lost and aching for you to be in my life. I miss you, every day for the past couple of years and I want you back, ever since I decided to leave.'' I tear slipped down his cheek and he wiped it away quickly before continuing.

''And Thomas, he needs me. Maybe you don't see it yet, but in the end he'll need a father figure to learn him the things you may not learn to him. Please, please Y/N, give me another chance. I know I'm a fuck up, but I'm begging you to take me and my mistakes back.'' He fell onto his knees and clamped himself onto my body, crying softly.

I brushed my hand through his hair and pulled him up, taking his face in both of my hands and looking at him intently.

''But why didn't you come to me early? Why did you wait five years?'' He shrugged and looked down.

''I was scared. And embarrassed for my behavior.'' I rolled my eyes.

''You and you're pride.'' I mumbled, making him chuckle slightly.

''Please take me back, Y/N, please.'' He begged, grabbing my hand and bringing his body closer to mine.

''I don't know, I just need some time.'' I said frustrated, bringing my hands to my hair and brushing them through it irritated, taking a step back from his presence.

''I know, and I'll give you it. But please give me one more chance, I promise I won't break your heart again.'' I sighed, trying to calm myself down.

I didn't know what to do or say, how I was feeling or thinking. I was star struck and at loss for words.

So I did the must unthinkable thing you'd ever expect.

I kissed him.


His hands immediatly found my waist and he kissed back passionately.

I didn't care that this was against all my principles, I wanted him and needed him so badly.

After a few moments I pulled back and looked at him, blinking and trying to process what just happened.

''Yes, I'll give you another chance. Yes, you can meet him eventually and yes, I still love you too.'' I stayed eventually, smiling softly.

He smiled back widely and hugged me tightly.

For the first time in a long time I saw future again, a future where I felt safe and warm and loved.

A future with him.


Yaaay, end of this little series. I hope you all enjoyed. Sorry if I don't post as much right now, I'm kinda going through a writers block and I don't really have inspiration. It will come, o just need some time.

Please VOTE if you liked and COMMENT what you think!

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