Chicago Blackhawks - Patrick Kane

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Miss Me?

Long distance relationships suck and if anyone told you any different then they are lying right to your face.

It's been 3 months since I've seen my boyfriend Patrick and that isn't even longest I have gone without seeing him. Yeah, I have FaceTime him all the time but that just isn't the same as being able to hug him kiss him or just being next to him.

"Hey sweetheart your father and I were going to go out with getting lunch how about you come out with us?" My mom walked into my room. I had to move back home because I lost my job. The owner of the salon I worked for was retiring and didn't want to stay open. she wanted to travel and not worry about the salon.

"I don't know I was going to look to see who was hiring."

"How have been doing that for three days now. You need to get out of the house."

"Okay, I will be down in a few."


"Honey, have you told Patrick?" I looked up from my menu and looked at my dad.

"No, I haven't."

"And why not?"

"It hasn't come up. Can we not talk about this." I wasn't proud that I advent told Patrick but I didn't want to tell him I lost my job that was the last thing I wanted to talk about with him when we don't see each other. We don't get to talk much and talking about me having no job isn't something exciting.

"Well look who it is." I turned around and saw my brother Max. I got up and hugged him.

"What are you doing here?"

"I missed you, mom, and dad. So I took some time off and so here I am." I wish Patrick had time off to come see me.

"Y/N I actually have a surprise for you." I raised my eyebrow and looked at him.

"A surprise for me? It better not be another died rat." Everyone laughed.

"That was when I was 7."

"Yeah but that was the last surprise you gave to me."

"Well, I know you are going to like this one now come on we are going to be late." Max Grab my hand and started to pull me.

"Wait we have to go somewhere for the surprise?"

"Of course now come on."


When Max said we had to go somewhere for the surprise I thought it would be walking distance but we drove to downtown Buffalo. He took me to the outdoor rink there.

"The surprise is ice skating?" I question

"Yes I rented it out for just you and I. I thought it would be fun for some brother and sister bonding."

I was getting my skates on when I saw some guys walk through the gate.

"Hey, Max I thought you said it was just going to be you and I?" Max looked at me and smiled

"I lied. Go and say Hi." I looked at him and back over to the guys. The one took off his hood and hat and say that is was no other than my boyfriend.

I took off my untied skates and ran right over to him. Once I got closer I jump and wrapped my legs around his waist and arms around his neck

"Miss me?" Patrick spoke. I dropped my legs and look up into his eyes.

"Of course I did!" I lean up and kissed him something I have been wanted to do for a while.

"Good now I have to ask you something." I waited for him to ask. "Move to Chicago with me. Before you say anything I know you lost your job look for a job where I can't stand the long distance thing anymore. I love you Y/N Move in with me!"

"Yes." I didn't have to think twice.

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