St Louis Blues - Colton Parayko

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Thinking It Over

All I have been doing the past day is thinking about what Colton had asked me yesterday. There should be no reason to say no I'm not sure why I told him I needed time to think it over but I didn't and now here I am pacing my room trying to figure out what I as going to do next because I knew my answer already.

Yesterday Colton had the whole day planned out where we spent the entire day together and ended the night at a nice restaurant. At the end of dinner Colton had asked me to marry him he got down on one knee had this huge speech paired and everything, it was perfect.

In the back of my head I was thinking marriage hasn't worked to in my family. My parents are divorced. Both my Grandparents are separated along with some of my aunts and uncles. They all thought they loved each other and now they are no longer together. I didn't want to get married and end up getting divorced later on.

That was before I meet Colton. I can see myself walking down in a white dress and see him in a black and white suite looking handsome as ever. On my way home yesterday I was thinking about my and Colton's wedding. Where it would be at. How many people we were going to invite. What kind of dress I was going to wear. The type of flowers. I was planning a wedding in my head and I didn't even answer him.

I know I screwed up. I just have to figure out how I was going to fix this.

I think I might know how to make this up to Colton I'm just going to need some help. I hope I can pull it off.


I had already planned on going to the Blues game tonight so it made this somewhat easier. The only thing really it made easier is that I didn't have to get a ticket to the game.

The blues ended up wining the game. That was all I was hoping for that Colton would be in a good mood. I walked down to the halls where I could go out on the ice and I see some of the coaches and trainers there waiting for me.

"Y/N we have your skates here and all you have to do is walk down this hall and you'll be out on the ice." I took the skates in my hand. "We will go get Colton got there for you."

"Thank you guys so much."

"Just don't mess this one up." I laughed. That was the last thing I wanted to do, is mess this up in front of everyone.

Since Colton asked em to marry him in a public place the new got out that I walked out on Colton after he asked me the question. His fan base was blowing up social media left and right. I can't go on there without seeing something about it.

I know how important Colton's fans are to him so I got the area to try and keep some of the fans from tonights game here so they can witness me make a foul out of my self, not really but I hate talking in front of a big crowd when all eyes are on me.

I had got help from the guy that does the Jumbotron that will flash different pictures of Colton and I.

To say I was nervous was an understatement.

I took a deep breath and skated out on the ice. I could feel my legs shaking. I went to center ice where a women was standing holding out a microphone for me. I took it in my hands and thanked here. All we have to do is wait for the man of the hour to come out.

It felt like forever till he came out but really I think it was maybe five minutes. I saw the confused look on his face as he looked around to see all the fans as they cheered. His eyes landed on the big screen that was flashing our pictures. His eyes then went down where they landed on me.

"I messed up and I know that. Everyone here probably knows that." The crowd got louder. "All I know about marriage is that they don't last. There is no one in my family that is still married or they got remarried. I didn't believe in marriage for the longest time Colton but you changed my mind. You have made me want to plan a wedding pick out our cake go dress shopping to find that perfect dress that hopes to bring tears to your eyes. I want something that I never thought I wanted but I only want it with you. So I'm going to ask this time. Colton will you do me the honor and marrying me?" I put down the microphone and watched as he skated over to me. He took the microphone out of my hand.

"I thought you were thinking it over?"

"I didn't have to think I knew what I wanted and I'm here trying to get what I want."

"Of course I will marry you." I smiled up at him and wrapped my arms around his neck while he lifted me up in the air. He then whispered in my ear. "We aren't going to be like your family Y/N we may have our ups and downs but we will work through them. I will listen to you when you need it and I will be here for you. All you have to do is talk to him and not walk away."

"I promise I won't walk away again Colton."

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