Columbus Blue Jackets - Josh Anderson

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I thought forgetting about Josh was going to be easy I thought my feelings for him were going to away easy because I saw him with someone else. I was wrong very wrong.

Work had giving me two tickets to the Blue Jackets game so Maggie and I went and they were at ice level. You could see everything. I could see Josh right there in front of me. I don't even think he saw me. I was just another fan there watching the game to him. If anything he would looking for that girl from the bar.

The team was coming out from the locker room after second intermission. They were shooting a couple pucks in the net and I watched Josh has he moved the puck around. I was watch Josh the entire game, Maggie even noticed.

"You know you should talk to him the next time you see him." She lend over to me. I nudged her a little to leave me alone.

I glued my eyes to Josh. They started to go over to the bench. Josh looked up and our eyes locked. I could see a little bit of confusion in his face but he just went to the bench.

Was I expecting him to do something else? Yeah maybe, I just don't know what I was expecting really. I guess in my head I thought about it differently. Who wouldn't want their crush to react differently when they see them?

The Blue Jackets ended up winning. Maggie and I decided to call the other girls to meet us at the normal bar. Somewhere inside me was hoping Josh was going to be there. I advent seen him out in a while. I guess it's a good thing because I didn't really want to see him with someone else.

All the girls have finally arrived and we were all laughing and drinking. A sever came up to us and put shots in front of all of us.

"Umm I'm sorry but we didn't order these." I told her.

"Yeah I know the guy over there did for all of you and wanted me to tell you it was nice seeing you at the game." I looked over to where she pointed and see Josh. She smiled and raised his beer and took a sip. I turned around, all the girls looked gave me a look.

"Whats with the looks?"

"Maybe you should go thank him for us." Lindsey said while shrugging her shoulders and taking her shot. All the girls took their shots and agreed with her.

"Y/N you have been wanting to talk to him for a while now. Go tell him how you feel." I glanced back over to josh and that same girl was there. There is no way I'm going over there.

I took my shot and stood up. "I need another drink." I didn't wait for any of them to say anything.

I since again stood at the bar waiting for a bartender to take my order but I was in no rush I didn't want to get back to the table right away. I could see someone come up and stand to next to me and just look at me and not say anything. I turned my head a little the guy stand there he looked familiar but I could put my finger on it where I know him from.


"You don't know who I am do you?" He spoke up. I shake my head. "I'm Seth I'm friends with Josh. I saw you come over here and I thought I would say hi."

"Well hi." I turn away from him.

"Its finally nice to meet the person that drove Josh crazy for so long." I gave him a strange look. "You drove him crazy. A lot of them time he didn't want to go to the bar but he would go just to see if you were here. If you weren't he would leave. Even though you didn't talk to him he just wanted to see you."

"Yeah that was then. Now he has some blonde chick on his lap sucking his face." I rolled my eyes

"yeah but-" He stopped talking and the look on his face I see he was surprised about something. "Why do you care that he is with someone? He said you told him that you don't like him. He moved on because he you didn't feel the same as he did."

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