Washington Capitals - André Burakovsky

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Never Letting You Leave Again

"Oh my god Y/N you need to go out there and see who just walked in." I stopped what I was doing to look at one of the girls I work with.

"Who walked in?" I asked not really wanting to go out there unless I really had to. I was trying to finish up cleaning so I could get out.

"A group of hot guys!" She is always one of those girls when a hot guy comes in she has to tell everyone and then try and get their number.

"A group of them? It's your lucky day then." I laughed and continued to clean up.

"It work be if I was their server." She sighed

"Who is there server? I'm sure if you asked to switch then they would give it to you."

"Well, they asked for this server."

"Oh, I'm sorry. I'm sure if you could still get one of their numbers."

"Y/N they said for you to be their server." I stopped what I was doing again and looked at her.

"I'm not taking any more tables."

"I know and I told them that and one of them said to go talk to you and to tell you to go out there." I went to look around the corner to see who these group of guys were and I froze there for a minute.

Sitting there was Tom, Nick, Michael, T.J., and my ex-boyfriend Andre. I went back into the kitchen to make sure they didn't see me. Why are they here?

"Y/N are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just I am going to need you to be there server I can't."

"Yeah, no can do. They said that they only want you and no one else."

"You have got to be kidding me." Why now?

"Is there a reason why table 41 hasn't been greeted?" My manager came into the back asking us.

"They requested Y/N."

"Y/N isn't taking any more tables."

"Yes I know and I told them that and they said they don't want anyone else." My manager turned and looked at me.

"Well, I am really sorry Y/N I am going to need you to take that table." You have got to be kidding me.

I went to grab silverware and walked to the table.

"Hey, guys how's it goin'" I set the silverware down and looked down the table and saw them all smiling at me.

"Y/N its good to see you! How have you been?" T.J. asked spooky first.

"Taking it one day at a time." I took out my notepad and pen. "What can I get you all to drink?" I didn't want to do small talk. It's killing me right now to be this close to Andre.

Four of them said water and then it was Andre's turn I didn't look up I just waited for him to say what he wanted even though I knew he was going to say water like the rest of the guys but he never said anything. He is really going to make me look at me.

I looked up and saw that he was already looking at me.

"What can I get you, Andre?" I asked

"A water please." I nodded and started to walk in the back.

"Hey, Sarah can you get the guys all water for me I just need a minute," I asked hoping that she would even though I knew she would. She probably do anything just to be able to talk to them to try and get one of their numbers.

"Sure is everything okay?"

"Yeah just need a minute. I will be back to take their order." I walked to the back door to get some fresh air.

Its been five months since I've seen Andre and he just shows up here out of nowhere. We haven't spoken in five months. I wouldn't say our break up was bad. No one cheated. Our schedules just never lined up. When he was home I had to work or I had class and when I was home he had practice, a game, or something he had to do with the time. We just never saw each other but I loved him. Wait no I love him as I am still in love with Andre Burakovsky. I think it was hard for both of us to say that us being together wasn't the right time. With him being here is bring back everything. I'm still not over him.

I heard the door open and wiped my face from the tears they have fallen and looked up to see Tom standing there.

"Y/N you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine Tom go back inside I will be there in a minute." I saw him move but it wasn't to go inside he took a seat next to me and looked at me.

"I can tell your not fine." Then why did he ask? "You haven't been answering any of my calls or text."

"There is a reason for that."

"You want to tell me that reason? Did I do something wrong?"

"No its just easier that way?"

"Easier? What do you mean?"

"Tom you're a friend of Andre. I'm not asking you to choose but you're his teammate."

"You guys broke up five months ago I thought you both would have moved on." I looked over at Tom

"Andre hasn't seen anyone since we broke up?"

"Are you kidding? Y/N he is in love with you. He is so madly deeply in love with you. The day you moved out I think was the hardest day for him." I looked at him shocked. I never heard the door open but another voice started.

"It as the hardest day for me because my best friend moved out and I didn't know if I would ever be able to see her again." I saw Andre standing there with his hands in his pockets.

"I am just going to go back inside and let you guys talk." Tom got up patted Andre on the back and walked back inside

"You know Toronto was the last place I thought you would be."

"I needed a new start." I just looked down at my hands.

"We made a mistake Y/N. We should have done something different to work around both of our schedules. I wish I could go back and change it but I can't. I finally found you again and I want to take you back home." I could tell he was looking at me but I was too nervous to look at him.

"I am home, Andre. I have bad this my home. I have been here five months now. I have my own place might not be great but I have a roof over my head and that is all that matters."

"Is it? Is it all that matters? What about being with the one that you are supposed to be with the one that you are in love with? Y/N I still love you and I am going to keep loving you." I finally looked at him.

"Andre is going to be the same way as it was before."

"No, it won't. A few days after you left our trainer pulled me aside and asked if you would be interested in being his assistant. I guess he overheard me one day saying that you were going to school to be an athletic trainer. you would be at every game and even come one some road trip games. He has kept the spot open for you as a favor for me." I looked at him in shock.

"You not just asking that for me to go back to DC with you are you?"

"No, I can call him now if you would like?" He goes to take out his phone for I put my hand on his that was holding his phone.

"No is no need."

"Does that mean you will come back with us?" I smiled up at him.

"Of course." He picked me up from where I was sitting and spun me around and kissed me.

"I am never letting you leave again!"

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