Dallas Stars - Tyler Seguin

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Listen To Me

I just got home from a long shift at the hospital and all I wanted to do was go home to my boyfriend cuddle and watch movies till we fall asleep. Once I got home though all the lights were off meaning on one was home. I have however greeted by three labs.

I put my bags down on the table and asked to the back door to let all three of them out. I looked around to see if Tyler left a note or anything. I thought he would be home when I got here. I walked up the stairs to change. I see the bedroom light on. That's odd Tyler would get mad at me when I left the lights on when I left the room.

Once I reached the room I pushed the door open fully and see candles lit all around the room and Tyler standing there looking hotter than ever.

"Tyler babe what's going on here?" I smile looking around the room.

"I know you have had a rough couple of days at work and I just wanted to do something special for you." I walked up to him and wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer to kiss him.

"You didn't have to do all this. You know just some pizza, beer, cuddles, and a movie would have been perfect."

"That is one of the things I love about you. Just the simple things would make you happy but you deserve so much more than the simple things." Tyler bent down to pick me up. He carried me over to the bed and put me in the middle of the bed. He started kissing my neck

"Tyler we can't tonight." I sighed while closing my eyes. Oh how much I wanted to start and finish this.

"And why not?" He looked up and held himself up with his elbows on both sides of me.

"Tyler what is the only reason that I say no to making love to you?" He closed his eyes and leaned his forehead to mine kissed my lips and rolled over on the bed and wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close.

"Well, I guess you are getting the night that you wanted. Where did you want the pizza from?" Tyler said against my ear softly.

"Wherever if fine. The dogs are still outside I have to go let them in. You call for the pizza I will get the dogs and beer. I will even pick out the movie." I got up kissed him quick and got up. I can tell Tyler really want to have sex tonight but my monthly friend decided to visit this week. Just like every guy, Tyler hated this time of the month.

By the time the pizza got here, we had picked out a movie. The dogs were laying down on the other couch or the floor while Tyler and I were curled up on the couch. The best way to end my day.

After a long week of not being able to have Tyler. Tonight I was going to have sex with my boyfriend and nothing was going to ruin that. I had the next few days off but Tyler was leaving for a couple road games.

Since Tyler had practice and had to do something with the team after I decided that I would clean the house till he got home. The house wasn't a mess or anything but there were random things here and there. Clothes needed to be put away and some needed to be washed.

We don't normally use our guest room but I thought I would go in to make sure everything was clean because I knew Tyler's mom as coming for a visit soon and just wanted to make sure everything was good for when she got here.

As I walked in and saw that the sheets were a little ruffed up which was weird because I know I didn't do that and Tyler doesn't come in here unless we have a guest. I tried to think if he had any of his teammates over but I don't recall one staying over. I saw something blue under the bed I bent down to see what it was and I wish I never came in the room. I pulled out a pair of blue lace underwear. I know they were definitely not mine.

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