Dallas Stars - Tyler Seguin

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Boston to Dallas

Walking the cold streets of Boston. I hug my jacket tight around my body. I should have worn something warmer but I didn't have much time to pick something to wear when Julian calls and asked if I wanted to meet him for dinner. It was very last minute like always with him during the offseason.

Once I walked into the restaurant Julian said he was going to meet me at. I looked around trying to him could find him. I was about to call him when I heard my name being called I looked up and saw Julian stand up waving at me. I smiled and made my way over to him.

"Hey sorry I'm late you didn't give me much time to get ready." I hugged him and noticed we weren't alone. I turned to the man that was now standing too. "Hi," I look up at the stranger and give him a small smile.

"Y/N this is Tyler, he's in town for a day and a half. I thought I would invite him here too. Plus I have been wanted you both to meet for a while now but it seems you both are never here at the same time."

"In my defense, I am here maybe two times a year." I looked over at Tyler trying to figure out why he looks so familiar and why he was only in town two times a year.

"Well you both are here now I guess that's all that matters." Julian had a huge smile on his face. I could tell that something was going on.

"So Tyler why are you only here times a year?" I was curious.

Tyler looked over at Julian. Maybe to see if I was serious. I was being dead serious. I'm still trying to figure out where I know him from.

"She doesn't really watch hockey she's more a baseball girl."

"I play for the Dallas Stars, a hockey team. So I come here to play the Bruins a couple times a year." I have seen people wear Bruins gear but I have never watched a game.

Dallas. I haven't told Julian yet but I'm moving to Dallas for a job, it a great opportunity. I know he's going to be happy for me but Julian has been there for me through so much. He has helped so many times. I meet him my first week living alone after I just moved into my place. This might be the best time to tell him since Tyler brought up Dallas.

"Oh okay, that's cool." I looked down at my menu looking for something to eat.

"That's it?" I looked up at Julian. "When I told you I played football I got bombed with questions. Tyler tells you he plays hockey and all he gets is that's cool? I wanted him to see what I went through a little." I looked down at my lap. It's now or never I guess.

"I have other things on my mind Julian I'm sorry. Plus I really don't know anything about hockey. When you told me you played football I knew things about football I watch it. I don't watch hockey." But that was kinda a lie. Something I haven't told Julian yet.

"What's on your mind then Y/N?" I took a deep breath.

"You know that job interview I had?"

"The one that you had to do a video chat?"

"Yeah, that's the one. Well, I got that job."

"Y/N that's great we should celebrate," Julian called our waiter over and order three drinks. I'm not sure what he ordered I just kept quiet.

"Are someone that got a new job you don't seem too happy." I looked up at Tyler. He could tell there was something else.

"There's more." Julian looked back at me waiting for me to say something. "I'm moving to Texas." Tyler's eyes went wide and Julian's smiled faded.

"What team? Houston Astros? Texas Rangers?" I knew he was going to guess Baseball teams because I working on the marketing team for the Boston Red Sox's.

"It's not a baseball team."

"Then who? The Houston Texans? Dallas Cowboys?" Julian went on before I was able to tell him. I looked over at Tyler and I think he figured out where I was going to be working now. I saw a smile on his face. I wasn't the only one that saw the smile. "And what are you smiling at?"

"Just shut up and let her tell you where she is going to be working." I gave Tyler a smile and looked at Julian.

"I'm going to to be working with the Dallas Stars."

"But you don't watch hockey."

"Well, I have been lately since I had the interview I wanted to be prepared so I started watching it and learning the rules and such. After the interview I continued to watch it just in case I got it. Truth be told I actually kinda liked watching it."

"So you're moving to Dallas?" I nodded my head. "Well this sucks but we should still celebrate." The waiter set our drinks down in front of us. "At least you will know someone when you move to Dallas." Julian looked over to Tyler.

"Don't worry I will look after her."

"I bet you will." Tyler gave Julian as look which made Julian laugh. I was confused but didn't ask about it I was just happy that Julian was okay with me moving.


I have been in Dallas for about a week and a half now. Right now I am walking into day two of my new job with the Dallas Stars. I haven't seen Tyler the whole time since benign here. I was kinda hoping to see him because I advent been able to get him off my mind since I had dinner with him and Julian. That night after dinner Tyler and I exchanged number and would text ever so often. When moving I really didn't really pick up my phone or even look at it. I was too busy packing.

I was sitting at my desk doing some paperwork when I looked at the time and noticed it was almost lunchtime. I googled to see what there was around here to eat since I haven't been able to look around yet. With unpacking and the new job, there just hasn't been any time.

I jumped at the sounds of a knock at my door.

"Come in," I wait for them to walk in. The door slowly opens. The first thing I see is an arm with tattoos all over. They come in fully and I see Tyler walk in with a smile on his face.

"Lunch break?" It's almost like he read my mind.

"You have perfect timing. I was just looking at didn't place around here to go eat."

"Well good thing I couldn't let you go eat lunch all by yourself. I told someone I would look at for you." I walked around my desk and grabbed my purse.

"Oh, you're looking out for me? There is no other reason for you taking me to lunch?" Julian told me a little secret before I left and I was actually really happy about.

"Did Julian say something?"

"Don't worry Tyler because I feel the same way so why don't we get lunch I only have an hour." I walked passed him and went to the elevator.

I glanced behind me to see if Tyler was coming and I saw him walking out my office smiling. Once the doors opened I got in along with Tyler and some of my other coworkers. Tyler was standing behind me but I could feel his body right behind mine. I felt his warm breath against my ear.

"Glad to know you feel the same way. Remind me to thank Julian later." Tyler whispered in my ear and leaned forward a bit to kiss my cheek. I could already feel my cheeks start to blush.

Once the elevator doors opened I wanted for mostly everyone to get out and once I started walking I felt a hand go on my lower back. I looked up and saw Tyler next to me but he wasn't looking at me he was just looking straight ahead smiling. 

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