New York Rangers - Brady Skjei

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One Day

Word count: 1,098

I have always known I wanted kids. Growing up I would carry around a baby doll everywhere I went. I was at the park one day and when we got home I remember I left my baby doll on the bench my parents were sitting at I cried for a week because I lost my baby. I would go around saying 'I lost the baby' my parents finally went to the store and got me a new one. When I got old enough I started babysitting and I loved doing it. I knew from a young age I wanted kids.

All that I wished for is that I am with someone that also wants kids. My worse fear is that the man I was with didn't want kids didn't want anything to do with them.

I walked into Brady's house while bags of food in my hand. I went straight to the kitchen to set them down because I thought my hand was about to break. I probably could have made another trip instead of one.

"Babe are you home?" I called out to see where Brady was. I thought he would be home today. I thought I told him I would be by today. I started putting the food away when I saw a note from Brady on the counter. It read 'forgot to tell you the team was going to the children's hospital today I'll be gone a few hours see you soon, Brady that's Brady for you always forgetting to tell me what he had planned but I have gotten used to it by now.

After I finished putting all the food away I went to the living from turned on Grey's Anatomy. I started scrolling through Instagram when I saw the Rangers posted a few photos of the guys with the guys. Once I saw one of Brady with a little boy I couldn't help but smile. Brady and I haven't talked about kids so I don't even know if he wants them but from what I know I think he would be a great dad one day.

"I see you saw the pictures already." I heard Brady's voice right behind me. I turned and saw him looking at my phone. "That's Cam he loves hockey. He use to play before he got sick. He told me that I was his favorite player." Brady's smile never left his face while talking about Cam. "I was thinking about getting him and his parents ticket to one of our games and have him come down to the locker room."

"I think that's a great idea babe." I smiled up at him and he leaned down to kiss me.

"Sorry I didn't tell you. I forgot that this was today."

"You really need to start remembering because my family is coming over tomorrow and we are supposed to start to cook some of the food today." Brady put his hand to his face.

"Crap Y/N I forgot that is tomorrow. I told some of the guys they could come over tomorrow." I shook my head. "Your family won't mind if some of them come over too right?" I laughed

"Who my family the New York Rangers fans no I don't think they would mind at all." When I told my dad I was talking to Brady Skjei I thought he was going to have a heart attack.

"I will tell the guys to bring some food so we won't run out." He took out his phone and started texting the guys.


Almost my whole family were here. A lot of them already meet Brady and for some, this is the first time meet him. I think by now Brady is used to my family asking him questions about hockey but I think he is ready for the guys to get here.

I was walking past the front door when I heard a knock. I opened it was the first two people I was were Jimmy and Kevin.

"Well, Brady is going to be happy to see you guys." I stepped aside for them to come in. "I don't know if he told you but my family is huge Ranger fans."

"Oh, we heard," Kevin said while taking his jacket it off.

"Well I think he is in the living room and you can give me the food and I will put it in the kitchen." They both handed the food they brought. "And thank you by the way for bringing something we are definitely going to need it with you two and Brady here." They both laughed and walked into the living room. I heard a lot of my family started talking all at once and I knew it was about Jimmy and Kevin.

Once I got in the kitchen I looked around at all the food and thought we might not have enough but we are just going to have to make do with what we have. I looked up into the dining room and saw some of my nieces and nephews sitting at the dining room table playing a board game one of them brought with them. Probably already knowing they were going to be bored here.

I saw Brady walk in the kitchen and stand next to me and look where I was looking. He moved to stand behind me and wrap his arms around me and he placed his head on my should. I placed my hands on top of his and leans back against him. We stood there for a minute before Brady started talking.

"I want one."

"Of what?" I questioned him not knowing what he was talking about. The food maybe?

"A kid." I turned my head to look at him and see that he was still looking in the dining room.

"Right now?" I knew I wanted kids but not now.

"No one day. I want to have a baby with you Y/N. It doesn't have to be soon but I want to have kids with you one day. I want to have our family grow. I want little Y/N's and Brady's running around. I want to look into that dining room and see our kids playing with their cousin one day. I want to teach them how to skate. I want it all and I only want it with you Y/N." My eyes started to water a bit. I turned around in his arms and kissed him.

"One day I want to marry you too" Brady whispered.

"One day soon then."

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