Dallas Stars - Tyler Seguin

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"So you a Stars fan?" I jump a little bit when feeling someone close to me. I turn and see I tall blonde leaning against the bar looking at me. For a second I forgot I was wearing a Stars shit. I didn't think Tyler was going to want to go out after the game but it ended putting going into overtime and him scoring the winning goal so we are out with his teammates celebrating, So I didn't bring an extra pair of clothes to change into.

"No I just like the color green and I liked that this one had a star on it with a big D in the middle." I rolled my eyes and looked straight ahead waiting for a bartender.

"Okay sorry I probably could have said that differently." I glanced back at him. "Did you go to the game?"

"Yes, I did my boyfriend plays for the Stars." The blond laughed he probably that I was joking.

"All you had to say was you weren't interested. You didn't need to make up a lie."

"You see over at the booths Jamie Benn is other there talking to my boyfriend Tyler Seguin?" I pointed in the direction of Tyler. "Yeah, Tyler is my boyfriend the guy that scored the game-winning goal in overtime today."

The bartender finally came by asked what I wanted and he got it for me right away. I made my way over to Tyler but when I looked up at him he looked pissed and Jamie was just shaking his head. Once I got there I try to seat on the same side of the booth as Tyler but he didn't move he just looked at his drink which was almost gone.

"What is going-" I wasn't able to finish my sentence before Jamie got up.

"Here sit here and I'm going to go somewhere that isn't here." I looked at him a little confused but a sat down crossed from Tyler.

We sat there in silence for I don't even know how long. The music was playing but I wasn't paying any attention to what was being played. I could see people talking but I didn't make out their conversations. I don't know what Tyler's problem is. He was fine when I left to get another drink.

"Every time we go out to a bar you are always talking to some random guy." well now I know what his problem. I can't help when guys come up to me. I never flirt our anything because I mean why would I? Have you seen who I am dating?

"I don't go up to those guys they come up to me and I tell them I have a boyfriend."

"Y/N I see you flirty with them every time I'm not blind."

"What the hell are you talking about?" Where did this come from? I'm so confused about where all this was coming from.

I saw Tyler was about to say something when I heard something break we both look and see it was a group of girls there was a redhead with big boobs that were barely staying in her shirt she was looking right at Tyler. I saw him checking her out. It all made sense now.

"You have got to be kidding me." Tyler looks away from the redhead. "You are making up me flirting with random guys so you can break up with me so you could go back to your old ways? Is that what you want Ty? You want to end things between us?" I felt like crying but I couldn't not here not in this bar.

"My old ways? If I do recall you were exactly the same as I was. Sleeping around with every guy you could lay hands on."

"I changed though I meet you and you were it for me I don't want anyone else Ty I love you. I guess when you said you loved me it was a lie." I drank the rest of my beer and I set it down in the middle of the table. "I guess we're done then Tyler. You're free to go bang whoever you want. I will go by the house tomorrow while you're at practice to get my stuff."

I didn't bother telling anyone else I was leaving. They are Tyler's teammates they're not my friends. Once I got to the door I turn around to look at Tyler one last time but once I saw him I wish I didn't he was talking to the redhead already.

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