Boston Bruins - Charlie Coyle

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Charlie and I both knew things between us haven't been great. I know I have been afraid to say anything about. Charlie is my best friend the man I love. We barely see each other anymore I have been working crazy hours at the office and Charlie's schedule is just as crazy they are so close to playoffs so he's working harder than ever.

I can't remember the last time Charlie and I sat down together and ate a meal together just the two of us. I walked into our shared apartment with takeout food in my hand ready to eat and go to bed. I look at the couch and see Charlie laying there watching TV. He doesn't look up and I just sigh and set my food on the table.

"Charlie?" Hoping he could look at me.

"Yeah?" He didn't even turn my way. He kept his eyes on the TV.

"We can't be doing this." I sat down at the dining room table looking Charlie's way. "Today is the first day we have seen each other in almost two weeks and you haven't even looked at me once." Charlie turned the TV off but still didn't look at me. "I think its time to face it."

"No I don't want that." He finally got off the couch and looked at me. "Babe I love you"

"And I love you Charlie, but we have barely seen each. The only time we see each other I feel like is when we go to bed at night."

"So you're just deciding this."

"What we are doing isn't a relationship. This is the longest we have talked in a while."

"So that's it it over?" I felt tears in my eyes when he said that.

All I could do was nod my head and walk down the hall to our bedroom. I can't stay here tonight and sleep in the same bed as him. I feel like I would do something stupid. I started putting clothes in a bag not all of them but some to make it through a couple days. I saw Charlie in the doorway in the corner of my eye. I didn't look at him or say anything to him.

"I come home knowing you're going to be here. You maybe in bed already asleep but I know you're here and safe. When I'm on the road I know you're safe here. Please don't go." I don't have to seeing him to know he was trying not to cry.

"This isn't a healthy relationship Charlie." I zipped up my bag and looked at him and the tears weren't only coming down my face they were coming down Charlie's too. "I'm going to go to a hotel tonight."


I sat with my brother and dad watching the Bruins vs Panthers game.

Before I started dating Charlie my family would watch hockey here and there but after they met him they watch the Wild all the time, when Charlie got traded they started to watch the Bruins. Now after we broke up three months ago they still watch every game and cheer them on.

I haven't watched a game or seen Charlie since I packed a small bagged and left. I was over at my parents house for a family dinner. Mom said no hockey but dad said he had to because if Boston wins they clinch a playoff spot.

As the clock ticked down and the Bruins won the game seven to three I got up and walked outside. I felt a couple tears come down my face.

I missed Charlie more than anything. I just want to call him and tell him how proud I am of him and that all his hard work has made off and now he could fight for the Stanley Cup.


First round of playoffs had me on the edge of my seat. I didn't tell anyone that I bought tickets to every home game Boston had. I couldn't help myself. I was proud of Charlie and even through he didn't know I wanted to be there for him.

Game seven was home and I barely got a ticket to the game. At the end of the second period the game was two to one Boston had the lead. The third started and Sean Kuraly got a gaol early in the period the time was running out Boston still had the lead and Charlie got a goal and I could help but jump up and scream with the rest of the fans.

In my head I was thinking that is my man but really he isn't anymore.


Boston won the series against Columbus in six games. Just like round one I was at every home home.

I went to the first two games against Carolina but I had a feeling about the next two games so I got a plane ticket and went to Carolina. I am started to feel like a crazy ex girlfriend. But I cut myself off from everyone I met on the team even if they text or call I don't answer.

I was walking around looking for something to eat. The game isn't till tomorrow. I head my phone start to ring I g to look for it in my purse and I bump into someone. I look up and see Charlie standing there and looking me in shock.

"Y/N? What are you doing here?" I didn't know what to say. Should I tell him that I'm here to watch the gam for make up a lie and hope he doesn't see through it.

"I have a good feeling about these games and watched to see you move on the go to the final." I couldn't lie to him I have never been able to to and I don't want to start now. I still love him.

"Your here to watch the game?" I could see the shock in his face.

"I have actually been to every home game of the playoffs." I looked down at my feet. "I know I probably should have but I couldn't help myself I just wanted to be there for you even though you didn't know I was there."

"I knew you were at a couple of the games. Someone sent me a picture of you there in one of my jersey." I looked at him and he was looking right at me. "Y/N I love you and these past few months have been hell. We can figure something out we will try something different. I want to win the Stanley Cup and have you by my side."

"Well we have a lot to talk about to make these better." I smile up at the man I love.

"How about we start to dinner?" I held out his hand and I gladly took it. 

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