Vancouver Canucks - Brock Boeser

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I could see his blonde hair, his blue eyes, his big smile every time I'd close my eyes for months after our break up. So when I saw him in a crowd I knew it was him I had no doubt about it.

The only reason Brock and I broke up was because I was in my last year of school and I was putting my focus on school and Brock had his hockey that he was focusing on. At my graduation I kept looking for Brock thinking he would be there but why would he. I never told him when it was where it was. I advent spoke to him since I picked up my clothes from his place. That was almost a two years ago.

There have been many times after graduation I thought about calling him and just catching up but I always talked myself out of it. I have written out text messages and then deleted it. Maybe it was for the best that we broke up. Maybe he found someone new that had the time for him and could be there when he needs someone because I know I wasn't that person at the time.

"Y/N did you hear a word I just said?" My older brother Jason starts waving his hand in front of my face.

"Ummm no sorry I didn't."

"I asked if you wanted to go to the game with me tonight." Jason and I use to go to a lot of hockey games before I meet Brock. It was our thing that we did. Since the break I really haven't gone to a game with him. I was trying to avoid going so I wouldn't see Brock.

"I don't know Jason," he sighed loudly.

"I can't even remember the last time we've been to a game." I could hear how upset he was. "I know you haven't gone since Brock but its been a while since you guys broke up. Its been a while since you seen or talk to him."

"Do you still talk to him?" Jason and Brock became really close friends ever since I introduced them. There was one night I went over to Brock's apartment and I found them both in the living room playing a video game. It was like they have been friends since they were kids. It took Jason a little while to answer and he couldn't look at me.

"You still hang out with him don't you?" I got up from my seat and walked into the kitchen. I could hear Jason following me but I didn't say anything. I wasn't mad that he was talking to him or hanging out with him I just wish he would have told me.

"Don't be mad," I heard him behind me but I don't turn to look at him.

"I'm not mad just wish you would have told me that you where hanging out with my ex boyfriend still." I turn around to face Jason and lean my back against the counter and cross my arms across my chest. "How is he doing?"

"You should ask him." I rolled my eyes. "I am being serious Y/N call him text him do something. Come to the game with me. I go down to the tunnels after some of the games and we could go get some drinks."

"I don't think so."

"What else are you going to be doing? Just sit on the couch and watch some movie that you've seen already?" He isn't wrong. I had already pulled out the Harry Potter movies.

"Jason I just don't-"

"I'm not taking no for an answer so go get changed and let's go." I thought about it for a minute it would be nice to go to a hockey game again. Ive missed the fast pace of the game. I've missed see a player hit another player into the boards and then sometimes in go into a fight. I've missed seeing the goals and the cellies after that said goal.

I miss seeing Brock out on the ice. There were so many times I would be in the stands and he would just look around till he found me the smile on his face made my stomach do flips. Seeing number six skating out there doing the thing he loves.

"Fine I just don't have anything to wear." Jason looked at me like I was crazy.

"What do you mean you don't have anything to wear? You dated a hockey player. You use to wear a bunch of Canucks stuff and now you're saying you have nothing to wear?"

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