Chapter 17: Twins

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Alfa's POV

I stood next to Patience holding my baby girl. You don't know how shocked I was finding out she was having twins. A nigga almost passed out.

It's common cause I'm a twin and so is Aunt Mani. I had two beautiful daughters named Jayde and Jordyn. Patience looked at me as I started to cry. "Why are you crying?" , she asked rocking Jordyn.

I sniffed quickly wiping the tear I let slip. I'm crying cause Aunt Mani going to kill me.

"Can't wait to take y'all home." , she said kissing them both. To think they almost didn't make it because they were Two months premature.

I kissed Patience. "I love you and these girls." I said making sure to not break eye contact. She smiled slightly rolling her eyes. "What happened to your shoulder?" She asked.

"What you mean?" I said confusingly looking over.

I didn't even realize I was bleeding through my shirt. "Sy'Arie shot me by accident." I said brushing it off, but she didn't. "You're not bringing bullshit around them."I gave her a look. She really make me wanna k.o her ass.

"I was saving someone's life." I said watching her face turn to sorrow. I let it fly over my head. Patience was about to be released in a couple of hours and she needs her energy.

Imani's POV

It was getting late and I had decided to stop by Temp's. He opened the door on the second knock , nearly scared me half to death.

"Hey." He greeted as I walked in. The house felt different without Arie. I watched Omari pour me a drink but I denied it. "How you been?" I asked taking a seat.

He shrugged his shoulders downing his drank in one gulp.

"Im good." Omari chuckled. By the way he talked , I could tell he was lying.

"They put her in a mental place. Tried to kill herself when the cops got here." He said downing another shot. I took the glass from him getting a unsurprised look.

"You let them do that?" I asked. What type of brother is he? I would never get my sister sent somewhere she doesn't belong. Omari reaked of cologne.

Obviously he was trying to cover up smelling like weed. Then he taking shots. I shook my head watching him stumble to his room. "What happened to love and protect?" I asked following.

He put on multiple diamond chains looking at his watch. Omari tried to walk past me but I pushed him. "I don't know!" He snapped. "Go ask her that. I got a show." He said before walking past me this time I let him go.

"Where is my bestfriend?" I asked. He told me St Joseph's. I took the information then headed to the door. "You're not the same person who helped me two years ago." I said before walking out.

Sy'Arie's POV

"Rise and Shine Ladies!" I opened my eyes to see Mother Hazel opening our curtains. I threw my cover over my head while Izzy and I groaned in sync.

"Just alike, I see you two being good friends." She said before pulling the cover leaving me cold. I sat up aggravatingly picking my covers up from the floor.

Mother Hazel did the same to Izzy but she was prepared. She held the covers down so Mother Hazel could pull them off.

Mother H wasn't going for it , as she rolled Izzy clean off the bed. "Ow!" She said quickly stand to her feet. "Arie, You will Mop all the floors with Izzy." She said to us before exiting.

"It wasn't funny." Izzy said rolling her eyes. "Yes it was." I replied watching her rub her head. Before I knew it she was dead in my face. "I bet." She said pinching my butt.

I turned to say something but Izzy was closing the bathroom door.

I rolled my eyes watching the the nurse come in to give me my medicine. "Lift your tongue." She said and watched as I did it.

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