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A week had passed since the confession. You've been quite busy for the cafe project but every night when you went out to lock the gate, you met Anpan and spent about half an hour talking to him. Locking the gate every single night was usually boring and tiring for you but not until he appeared.

He loved to joke, complimented you, and even teased you. He listened to your problems, and always had a way to help you forget them all. Little did you know, you were slowly falling for him.

"Seren-ah, can you give these to our new neighbour?" Your mom said, snapping you back to reality.

"Mom, you've met the neighbour?" You asked, shocked because there seemed to be no one in that house in daytime.

"Yeah, I met him yesterday. That young man moved in about two weeks ago." She stated, as she put 1 basket of cookies and 2 baskets of fruits on the table.

"Woah, that's so many for one person living in a house." You mumbled.

As you scanned those three baskets, the ones with fruits inside seemed heavy.

"Daniel-ah! Lend me some help here!"


You knocked on the familiar door and rang the bell. There was a flutter of anticipation as you waited for the door to open. Despite of having a slight nervousness in your chest, you couldn't help but to feel excited in the same time.

Thinking that the one who was going to open the door would be your Anpanman, the one who kept on hiding behind a mask, made you even more excited as you could finally see his face.

After a few moments, the door opened and whoever you might have imagined opening the door, you weren't prepared for the man who now did.

"Oh, you two?" He said, looking so surprised too.

"Kim Namjoon?" You blinked, not expecting him to actually open the door.

Not too long after that, Jin showed up behind him, inviting both you and Daniel inside.

"It's surprising that you two actually live next door." You said, trailing them from behind. Still confused as you didn't expect them.

"Not only the two us, but actually all seven of us." Jin laughed and soon, you arrived in their living room which of course looked totally different from 20 years ago.

There, Taehyung and Jungkook were too engrossed in playing games on their phones until they didn't notice you coming.

"Double kill! Triple kill! Maniac! Savage!"

Taehyung suddenly jumped in excitement and danced on the couch, "I GOT SAVAGE! I GOT SAV— oh."

He halted as soon as he saw you and Daniel.

"You have been slain."

My Superhero Anpanman || Park JiminWhere stories live. Discover now