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"I heard your girlfriend will stay at our house next week."

Jimin's eyes grew large in an instant, excitement poured out him like sunshine. A smile instantly cracked on his face and he even seemed more alive than usual. Obviously, he was so happy.

"You mean—" he immediately covered his mouth and glanced at you. He totally forgot your presence for a second.

That was also when he realized that it was part of Jungkook's plan to mention that person. Everyone considered his plan a success as all of them —except Jimin— noticed that you seemed unhappy.

Jimin then nervously coughed, "Anyway, she is not my girlfriend. You guys know that."

"But you even proposed to her." Yoongi suddenly spoke up while rubbing his chin with his fingers.

Jimin fell speechless.

"And whenever she's around, you would only stick to her." Taehyung added.

"That was— well—" he couldn't help himself but to turn panic and his face even turned bright red too.

Jimin soon felt like he couldn't bear with the situation anymore, he just wanted to run away at that moment and disappear from everyone's sight. He felt extremely embarrassed especially when you heard everything they said.

He handed Yoongi his cotton candy and excused himself to the washroom without even lifting his head up. After he left, they burst into laughter.

"He is never this shy when we talk about her." Taehyung said, laughing too much he had to wipe a tear from his eye.

Yoongi smirked and slowly approached you who was so quiet for the whole time, "What's wrong, Seren? You seem down."

"Do I?" You raised your eyebrows at him.

"Are you surprised that Jimin-hyung has a girlfriend?"

Indeed, Jungkook was right. "Well, yeah. He never mentioned anything about this."

Their laughter slowly died. The smile that was on Jungkook's face just now disappeared after seeing how you looked. He walked towards Taehyung and whispered in his ear, "She looks obviously broken, I feel so bad."

It would be a lie if Taehyung didn't notice that, they all did.

"Uhm, I wanna ride that." Taehyung said out of the blue before heading to the bumper cars.

"Same." Hoseok said and trailed him from behind.

Soon, everyone split up in different directions you were left alone in the crowd. People kept on brushing their shoulders with yours which made you very uncomfortable. So you decided to go too, only to end up walking aimlessly with a cotton candy in your hand.

You kept on walking until you saw a lot of people crowding in one area for some uknown reasons. What was going on? Curious, you moved closer to them and did your best to get through the crowd. Luckily, they were kind enough to give you some space to stand.

Once you saw that familiar face, your eyes widened. They were actually watching Jimin doing archery at a small booth.

"You can do it!" One of the girls standing at the front cheered and when her friends teased her about it, she immediately covered her face in embarrassment.

You then shifted your gaze to Jimin and focused on him. He had a very cool posture which made your expectation high for him.

Unfortunately, he failed to shoot for the target. The arrow directly headed to the ground.

My Superhero Anpanman || Park JiminNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ