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The sun fell behind the clouds, turning the sky orange, red, and purple. Slowly, darkness crept closer. It was already the end of a busy day for most people, but not for the seven men working at Bangtan Cafe. They had to stay at that place longer.

"Why the heck did they choose our cafe?" Hoseok groaned as he settled into the comfy chair.

"And they chose tonight." Yoongi sighed. He still had another business to finish off at home.

All of them were supposed to go home already but someone decided to do a class reunion that night which meant, they all had to work overtime. However, that wasn't actually the real problem, it was the person who made the reservation.

"I should've said no to her. How could I not recognize her?" Jimin shook his head.

If only he recognized that woman just now, he would have decline her request.

Namjoon lightly tapped his shoulder after seeing the guilty look on his face, "Don't worry, Daniel and Seren aren't coming though. Everything will be fine."

"Unfortunately, they are going." Yoongi announced.

All of them immediately turned to him, asking for an explanation.

"Daniel just texted me." He stated while showing them his phone screen.


"Why are we here?" You questioned when Daniel suddenly parked the car not too far from the cafe. Your plan to jump into the bed as soon as you arrived home from work was ruined.

It was already 9pm, shops were closing one by one, but not the cafe. It should be closing already, except when there was an event going on inside.

"Come with me." Daniel smiled.

He dragged you out of the car looking so excited for some reasons. His hand reached for the doorknob and swung the door open.

You couldn't believe your eyes at fisrt. The first person that you saw made you froze there like a stone. There, Tulip and some unknown people were all sitting together, staring at you and Daniel in silent.

"Daniel!" They shouted and in a blink of an eye, a few guys ran towards him, shook him and hugged him. They ruffled his hair and checked him from head to toe as if they hadn't seen him for a long time.

"Sit here." They excitedly said and dragged him away from you, leaving you alone in front of the door.

"Wait, who is she? Your girlfriend?" One of them asked. Finally, someone noticed your existence there.

"She is Seren. My twin sister, remember?" He stood up and walked towards you to bring you closer to them.

They all were quiet at first, confused just like you.

"Oh! That girl we called a liar before?" One guy spoke up only to get hit by a girl who was sitting next to him.

At that moment Tulip was smirking, "But what should we do, we don't have enough space for your twin sister."

"We do." Jimin suddenly appeared and put a chair next to Daniel's.

"You two can sit here." He warmly smiled to both of you and pulled the chairs for you and Daniel to sit on.

"Thanks," you mumbled to Jimin before sitting next to Daniel. After that, Jimin returned to the counter and stood beside Taehyung. They secretly exchanged thumbs-up.

It was extremely awkward to sit there with unfamiliar faces around, especially when they had started to talk about the past. They all talked but you had nothing to say cause you moved out early and didn't have good memories with them. You felt stupid and left out at that time. Jimin and Taehyung actually noticed that when they were serving the cakes and drinks but they couldn't do anything.

"Guys, do you still remember when we all went to the twins' first and last birthday party?" Tulip suddenly brought the topic up.

When you thought that everything would be fine as long as they forgot your existence there, Tulip purposely let you became the centre of attention.

"I do. I remember Seren said that she was inviting Anpanman, that was why I attended that party."

"Same." Another guy said and laughed.

"Anpanman was so popular back then, I really hoped I could meet one." One of the girls said, then another one proceeded, then another one, then another.

"At last he didn't come at all!" Tulip laughed even harder and soon you found yourself soaking in the cruel laughter.

Your cheeks heated up in embarrassment and you felt traumatized. To humiliate you in front of everybody, was her plan.

That Tulip, was still the same bully that you knew.

"And then, you told everyone that I was lying just to get a lot of people coming to my party, right?" You laughed out of the blue.

As soon as you started to speak up, the whole place fell dead silent. They hadn't heard your voice for ages.

"Everyday, you asked them to team up with you to insult, tease and intimidate me until no one wanted to talk to me... including my brother."

You paused for a moment then smirked while looking at her, "Tell me, didn't your parents teach you manners?"

"What?!" She stood up in anger once you mentioned about her parents.

You stood on your feet, glared at her then stormed out of the cafe. Without thinking any longer, Daniel and Jimin immediately chased after you. But once they were out there, you were surprisingly nowhere to be seen. They both split up and followed different paths.

Little did he know, the path that he chose led him to you. Jimin couldn't believe his eyes at first when he found you sitting alone on a motionless swing in a quiet park.

"Don't you know it's dangerous for a beautiful woman to be out here alone at night?" He moved closer, then sat across you on the ground enough for you to see and hear him.

"Don't worry, I'm not Jin."

"I said woman, not man." He rolled his eyes, couldn't believe that you could still make a joke with that sour face on.

"Jimin-ah, what if they hate me more now?" You suddenly asked. It took him quite a while to finally respond to your question.

"So what? Not everyone can see your good side, but I can." He said.

You stayed quiet, wanting to hear more from him. That wasn't enough.

"Stop worrying what they think of you. All your worries are just part of the swamp of your imagination that you created."

"Say more. I like that one." You softly smiled.

"Do you want me to sing the whole song? Because I actually pick that line from a song titled So What by BTS."

You burst into laughter and Jimin felt like he just did a very good job.

"You look cuter when you laugh." He said while tilting his head a bit.

His compliment made you blushed as red as tomato.

"Jimin, why do you always show up when I'm in trouble? Are you perhaps my superhero or something?" You asked which instantly swiped off the smile on his face.

The word superhero reminded him of something very important.

"Seren-ah, I need to tell you something."

My Superhero Anpanman || Park JiminWhere stories live. Discover now