Confessions and Confusion

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As per you guys' wishes, I have posted!

Marinette's POV

It was another day, I was back at school. I snuck a look at Adrien again. I was going to tell him today, tell him that I loved him. It was time to go. I went up to him.

"Hi, Adrien. Can we talk - privately?"

He gave me a perfect white-toothed grin. "Of course, Marinette." He was SO nice. I pulled him into a corner. "Adrien, I..." Don't look up, don't look into those beautiful leafy eyes. "I really like you." I trained my gaze on the floor. "Do you want to go for a movie sometime? Just the two of us?" I finally allowed myself to get lost in that beautiful stare.

His bright green eyes widened. "Marinette... where is this coming out of?"

"I- I've always been watching your awesome- I meant, I meant you, from far... I-i don't want to be away - far, FAR, from you anymore." I stammered. DAMMIT, MARI, STOP STUTTERING WHENEVER YOU LOOK INTO HIS EYES!

"Marinette, I'm sorry... I like someone else. I don't want to lead you on." he said sadly. "Can we still be good friends? I care about you, Marinette."

My voice wobbled and cracked - too much - on my next words. "S-sure. Tha-Thanks, A-a-a-adrien." I injected some artificial happiness into my voice. "See ya!"

I ran the whole way home, the wind whipping away my tears.

Hawk Moth's POV

The room I was in filled with blue-violet light again, as it did about once a day. I saw through it a familiar girl with eyes the colour of stormy skies, bangs, and black pigtails that had a blue shine to them. She was running away from - MY SON? - bawling her eyes out. In a minute, I understood. A school friend of Adrien's had had a crush on him, and just told him - only for him to reject her. This one I seemed to remember seeing twice before: as Gabriel Agreste, and once as Hawk Moth, the day I had evilized Zombizou. Was her name - Brignette? Marigette?

I caught one of the pure akumas  fluttering around, and infused it with the power my Miraculous granted me with the help of Nooroo. It turned into an akuma. "Fly out, my little akuma, and evilize this heartbroken soul!" I cried.

Marinette's POV

As I ran, Tikki cried out from my pocket. "Mari, watch out! You've been so upset you attracted another akuma!" I looked behind me to see an akuma chasing me. I thought of how I could lessen this pain in my heart. I thought of my dad, and my mum. I thought of Tikki, and of Alya. Of being Miraculous and of Chat Noir. Strangely, that last thought warmed my heart more than anything else did. Who cared if Adrien didn't like me that way? Master Fu had chose me to be Ladybug. I saved Paris everyday, with my special kitty by my side. He might make annoying puns and flirt with me 24/7, but he was sweet and cute and helpful. He always saved my butt. Then there was Tikki. Tikki was... Tikki... how could I describe her? She was the perfect kwami. I slowed down. As I did, the akuma went into my earrings.

Hawk Moth's POV

At last! My dark akuma got close enough to hit her earring. But... I felt a shining presence in her mind. It... I'd never felt anything like it before. I tried to control it, harness it, USE it, but it wouldn't be turned. The akuma trapped in there, allowing me access to her mind came in contact with it. It began to... to... to purify? No, no, no. This couldn't be happening. This was IMPOSSIBLE. The only way Nooroo told me of was being caught by the yo-yo of the Ladybug.

But...somehow it was.

No, the shining presence isn't Tikki. All will be explained later on.

OK, so this chapter was mostly exposition, set up, all that jazz. I really hope y'all liked it - and do tell me if you felt this chapter was too short, I tend to write short chapters in abundance. Quick note for future reference - I'll call it "Hawk Moth's POV" when Gabriel is transformed into Hawk Moth and "Gabriel's POV" when he isn't. The same applies to the rest. This is set in a timeline where everything after and including Troublemaker never existed, because I wrote this just before Troublemaker was released.

There's a lot of lore and angst in this story, so get ready. There's a wild ride ahead, and I hope you stick with me. You can expect the next chapter on October 23rd. Buzzing off,

- Queen Honey 🐝

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