Plagg On the Identity Rule

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I might actually make a habit of updating weekly like I'm supposed to.

Plagg's POV

"Aren't you kind of breaking Tikki's identity rule?"

She muttered, "Kind of, I guess."

I shrugged, "Normally, I encourage breaking the rules. Have a little fun, you know? So maybe you don't tell someone you're sneaking out. I'm not the kwami who's going to lecture." I drawled, "However, the identity rule is in place because people have died for not having kept their identities secret."

She blinked again, curious, but I continued on, "If you get my kid killed, the forces of bad luck and destruction will always be at your heels. And, y'know, your love life will practically be dead in the air for awhile." I conveniently left out the part about how they would be even more lovey-dovey afterwards, and she was sufficiently horrified.

These teens cared way too much about finding love for kids whose soulmates had been handed to them on a cheese platter for their enjoyment.

"Why would..." She looked at me, her blue eyes clouded with confusion. "Look. You two are possibly the most idiotic pair of Wish Holders I've ever had the pleasure of seeing." I grumbled under my breath. "Probably because life is just that determined to keep Tikki and I apart that Wish Holders have only existed twice in history." Her confusion only grew. "Huh?"

I sighed. "Just don't try to figure out who my kid is under the mask or I'll hate you for as long as I live. That, and figure out who Hawk Moth is so I can start actually enjoying my cheese.  He's pretty obvious - can't believe you idiots haven't figured him out yet, seeing as you've met him before." I felt a slight headache start up. I'd taken over for too long. Much longer would cripple Adrien's brain. "I can't talk with you much longer, otherwise I'll hurt my holder. Don't die. And don't get my kid killed." I allowed Adrien to take control once again.

Marinette's POV

I watched Plagg's completely green sclerae with small, cat-like black pupils fade into Chat's green sclerae and light green irises, and the animalistic, large pupils. His ring immediately beeped. Losing 2 treads at once, he leaped onto my balcony rail, balancing there lithely, like he really was a kitty. Turning to say one last word to me, he paused. "Marinette... if you figure out who I am, don't judge me for it."

I smiled. "Chaton, I would never. These talks with you are incredible - I've never felt more free."

Giving one of his smirks, he nodded. "Good."

He extended his stick and dived headfirst into the inky black night.


The very next day, I was the first to the steps. Putting in a pair of headphones and listening to some music to pass the time, I jumped when someone suddenly tapped my shoulder. My headphones fell off, and I grabbed them before I whirled to find Ney at my back. She smiled at me. "Hi, Marinette."

I grinned back. Scanning today's outfit, she'd donned a silky black blouse embroidered with golden stars and a round silver moon, pairing it with tight midnight blue jeggings (other author's OCs can deal with that "same outfit" crap, but I will not. Neymara will be dressed to impress at all times). Her feet were encased in simple caramel brown flats. I chuckled internally.

"Hey, Ney. What's up?"

"The sky." I rolled my eyes indulgently at her favourite answer to that question. "On a more serious note, why is Chloè heading over here and smiling?"

So people are reading this?


Just so you know, despite my hiatus, I see all your comments. Chu~


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