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Welcome back, miladies and gentlecats!

Also, please remember that Queen Bee has "Queen's Hive" in this fanfiction, which allows her to create clones of herself and that Carapace also has a different power, although that hasn't come out yet.

Adrien's POV

"Alright. Don't do anything romantic. Anything else?”

Marinette’s eyes widened. Blushing, she admitted, “I didn't really think that far along. We'll get to that when we come to it.”

“OK, Marinette.” I smiled, happy to be her friend again.

Alya stepped in. “Now, if you hurt her again, I don't care who you are...” Alya started.
“'ll regret it. OK?" Chloé finished.

If these two weren't my friends, I would be terrified of them. “Crystal clear.”

We all walked into class, and then - then the screams broke out.

The newly akumatized villain came crashing through the door. There was a line straight down her suit. On one side of the line her hair was wavy and neon red and her eyes dark olive. The other side her hair was a straight coal black and her eyes chocolate brown. Her clothes went the same way - on one side she looked like a ridiculously bright version of one of the girls from Mrs. Mendeleiev’s class. The other side she looked like quite the opposite. An idea began to take shape in my mind as she yelled, “Where is Marinette Dupain-Cheng?!?”

I groaned. “Uh-oh." Nino dragged Alya away - lucky girl, that must've been a nice excuse to transform. Chloè bolted. So did I.

Marinette's POV

My friends scattered all around me, civilians and superheroes alike.

I called up to the akumatized Anna Kayrène, “Hey, Anna!”

Before you say a word - yes, it was dumb. Yes, I didn't have my Miraculous.

But Miraculouses don't make us heroes - our hearts do. And at heart - I still had a little Ladybug left in me. I was still the heroine of Paris.

And I was NOT going to be cowed by some dumb butterfly man who’s too much of a coward to show face in public.

She responded. “I am not Anna ANYMORE! I AM SUPERPHRENIC!”

Before I knew it, she shot me with a beam of power and I went flying back into the wall, my back making a crack noise.

No, the actual impact point didn't hurt. But it tingled at point of contact - my left ankle - and flowed through my body.

Suddenly I shuddered and then black danced in my vision and I was gone.

When I opened my eyes, I was staring at a green hair tipped version of me nearly leaping into action. However, as she caught me stirring at their feet, she spared me a glance. The girl kicked me, and I collapsed to the floor.

She looked around furiously. I only caught her mutter Alya, Adrien, Nino, and Chloé's names before she moved to stand beside Superphrenic.

I took deep breaths. "OK, we can figure this out. I'm fine. There's just an anti-Marinette double that hates me and everyone I love."

While I was in shock, the villain grabbed me and pulled me against her chest. Damnit Marinette, you were supposed to keep her occupied to give Chat and the team time to get here! Chat always does this - how hard can it be? You got your back broken! Anti-Marinette taunted.

Meanwhile, Superphrenic had leapt to the roof of the school while I was thinking. Great, even better. I briefly caught a glimpse of Anti-Marinette, who'd apparently decided to appoint herself Superphrenic's sidekick.

But before I knew it, four blurs shot into the room one after the other. First came an orange and white blur, followed by a green one, black one, and yellow-and-black one. They came to a halt, catching sight of me. “Let go of Marinette!” cried Alya. She jumped up, whacking Superphrenic in the face with her flute. Chloè jumped up and around her, helping Chat draw attention away from me.

Superphrenic roared in fury, turning to shoot Chat Noir. The green hero I now recognised as a turtle dove towards Chat Noir. A green glow enwrapped Chat's body just before Superphrenic's blast hit him.

The blast didn't do anything to Chat Noir.

What was the power of the turtle?

The fight continued as I was jerked every which way by my own personal guard. Hawk Moth's butterfly appeared on her face soon enough, however. She nodded. "Yes, Hawk Moth."

Her tactics turned much more evasive, trying to get away.

My eyes widened. She was trying to deliver me to Hawk Moth's lair!

The Ladybug illusion who fought beside Chat danced backwards, avoiding both the touch of Queen Bee and the blasts Superphrenic shot at her. She called out, "We've got to get her away from Marinette!" Alya, Chloé, and Chat fought with renewed vigour.

I noticed the turtle-themed hero was nowhere to be seen as Superphrenic dropped me in favour of fighting off the three heroes attacking her.

Suddenly, a pair of green spandex-clad arms wrapped around me, and words were whispered into my ear. “Don't struggle. It's me, Carapace.”

We landed without incident. Running away, as soon as we got back to my bakery, Carapace - the new turtle hero - let me go.

I turned to face him. He was darkly coloured, with deep amber eyes. His body was encased in a turtle suit, him wearing the head as a hood. His shield was slung over his back. His Miraculous beeped.

Carapace glanced at me. “I gotta run, but I'll have Bee or Rena come back for you." He pulled his shield off his back, shrunk it into a disk the size of my yo-yo and flipped it open. Chloè picked up. She was hiding behind a wall. “Carapace, really? Right now?” A crash was heard. “Bee. I'm about to detransform but someone needs to stick with Marinette. Get over to Rue Gotlib. She'll be inside.”

Chlo sighed. “Fine, but you owe me a ride on that shield of yours.”

A silhouette became visible in the distance, running toward my balcony.
The amber-eyed hero grabbed my shoulders. “Marinette, I need you to go inside. Queen Bee will be here shortly." His Miraculous beeped again. “That's my cue.” He expanded his shield and used it as a hoverboard to zoom away.

Just as I turned to enter my bedroom, a yellow top with a string attached hooked onto the railing of my balcony. Chloè swung up.

And our first akuma makes her appearance!

To be honest, this was just a really weird and random akuma with really weird powers. I'm not good at coming up with akuma villains unless they're based off plot. There will be some of those, but some of it will just be random akumas bursting in and attacking Marinette.

-Neymara Noor

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