How Deep is Your Love?

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Marinette's POV

I felt warm with pride for Chloé. Gaining a Miraculous had really helped her. Her kwami must be good for her.

She'd said something… the old me would have. Losing Tikki and nearly being akumatized had made me unnecessarily spiteful. Even if Adrien was being rude, I - I shouldn't act like this. I could keep my sorrow between Chat and myself.

I fixed my expression. The old gleam returned to my eyes, and a smile spread across my face. “Guys, she's right. Chloé's right, and believe me that's a sentence I'd never thought I'd say again. We can't break apart like this. The threat of Hawk Moth is more personal than ever, and that means we have to be vigilant, careful, and most of all, kind. We need to be forgiving, supportive, and caring with each other because you are the ones who are most at risk. You're all close to me regularly, and that means you're most likely to be akumatized. And any akumatized villain will go after me, as per Hawk Moth’s instructions. If we keep on like this, we’ll get Adrien akumatized. So, for the sake of Marinette, if not for the sake of being kind, we have to be good to Adrien. We have to be good to everyone."

Alya stared at me, disbelievingly.

“We have to be good friends to everyone. It doesn't matter if I hurt - I beat him once and I can do it again." I looked around at my friends. “We do need to be kind. I've changed recently, and not for the better. But I want to try and make things right - I'm the one causing all this bitterness against Adrien.”

I extended my hand to him. “Hi, I'm Marinette Dupain-Cheng. I used to have a crush on you, but I'm slowly getting over it with the help of my good friends Alya, Nino, Chloé, and, of course, Chat Noir. I'd like to be friends.”

He smiled genuinely at me for the first time in days. “Hi, Marinette. I'm Adrien Agreste. I used to have a crush on Ladybug, but I'm slowly getting over it with the guidance of my good friends Nino, Chloé, Alya, and, of course, you. I want to be friends too.”

We hugged. I reached up and whispered into his ear, “About that video on the Ladyblog - the things I said about you and I… please ignore them. I said them rashly and unthinkingly in a moment of anger. You didn't deserve them. Please forgive me.”

He shook his head. “No, I did. That's how you feel - you have a right to those feelings. I… just hope I can change your mind about me. Again.”

We pulled apart, and he smiled at me.

This time I didn't get lost in his eyes.

I put my hands on my hips. “We need some ground rules, otherwise Alya and Nino are going to attack you and question my sanity.”

“OK. Hit me with ‘em.” He gave a lopsided grin, clearly happy. “Alright. Number one. You have to decide - right here, right now. Who do you love? You've been messing with me all week and I need an answer and I need it now, before I let myself get into this any further.”

Adrien’s POV

That's been the question I've pondered all week, ever since this started. Did I like Ladybug more than Marinette? Or could I maybe be happier with my sweet, clumsy classmate who sat behind me?
I searched deep inside myself. I found…

I didn't know anymore. My love for Ladybug had been wavering in favour of Marinette recently. So I told them so. “Marinette, I - I don't know.”

Her eyes widened.

Chloé looked at me. “What do you mean?”

I swallowed. A single wrong move would make my fragile reparations go to hell. “I - I don't know. I do love Ladybug - she's very special to me. But - recently I kind of doubt it. She shows a public face to the world, of a strong girl - and I don't know the girl under the image. How can I claim to love her and reject people indiscriminately because of my love of her image?"

Nino clapped my back. "That's my man." He said.

I smiled back at him. Nino really was a great friend.

Turning back to Marinette, I asked, "You wanna tell me where you're at so I know how to steer, or…?”

I nervously smiled at her. Her soft, twinkling voice responded. “Yeah. But… somewhere else please. I don't need anyone but the four of you hearing this, and I'm kind of a public figure at this point.”

Our group silently shifted to a less inhabited place. “Okay. Here I go." She swallowed, visibly. "Nino, you can close your ears if you don't want to hear about this. So Adrien, I don't really like you anymore. Less and less every passing moment actually…”

My face must have twisted up. “Adrien, look. I'm not rejecting you for Chat. I love Chat and all-”

Alya immediately squealed. “Girl, I knew it, you better tell me all about it…”

“Hold it, Alya. I don't have a crush on him - I'm not in a place where I can be thinking about guys.” She put her hands on her hips. “Chat deserves someone who can give their heart to him fully - and I can't be that person for him, right now. I don't even want to be that person. I have heard, however, there’s another girl who would treat him better… better than I can.” She smiled at Chloé.

I began to consider it, maybe even for a second. Quickly the idea dropped from the forefront of my mind.

In the back of my mind, however, the thought lurked. At least one of us deserved to be happy.

And we're back with a double update!

And some serious news. I'm going to be going back and editing the chapters featuring the use of Rena Rouge's powers. As with many in the fandom, Rena Rouge's powers are frankly a waste of time, especially compared to her akuma counterpart Volpina. So, I'm rebooting her powers so that her illusions hold until she lets go of them intentionally. They also can change form in my version of her powers. Don't be surprised if you see some slight changes in previous chapters. And don't worry, it won't affect the current story.

Since the chapter that declared credits for the new cover art and name, I'll tag them again here. Don't forget to shower your love on fluff_writer_ (who bestowed upon me the name I needed) and MemeFreak4life (the tiny Satan who still finds enough kindness in her black and shriveled heart to make me a cover).

Alright. Till next Monday, you guys!

- Neymara Noor

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