A Very Punny Eavesdropper

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After this chapters will most likely go back to normal length.

Adrien's POV

The Gorilla dropped me off before school, as he usually did. I walked up the steps and spotted Chlo, Mari, and Fee laughing together. I beamed; not only was Chloé being nicer... she was wearing a Chat Noir outfit. Deciding to listen in on them to see just how much Marinette and Chlo's dynamic had changed, I caught these words coming out of Chloé's mouth: "I definitely did not miss those glares of yours."

My interest was piqued. They had been old friends? Mari had mentioned a break when we were all about 10. That made sense. But why would their relationship have been affected?

Marinette dramatically sighed, "You wound me."

She then asked about the outfit. I listened close, because I was interested as well. Chlo answered. "I wanted to show Chat Noir some appreciation. He isn't just Ladybug's sidekick... he's really inspiring."

My eyes widened. She... appreciated me. For who I was. No one really cared about Chat Noir; it was always all about Ladybug. I mean, excluding Marinette. I didn't mind it much. I had enough of the spotlight as Adrien Agreste. But it did hurt a little... I risked my life almost every day saving Paris and didn't get much appreciation without Ladybug also included. But Chloé's admiration was for me, and me alone. It made me feel... special. Marinette's next words drew my attention, however. "Does someone have a cruuuuush?"

She said in a sing-songy tone. Please say no, please say no, PLEASE SAY NO. I thought. To my utter horror, Chlo blushed deeply. Her next words had me frozen in my footsteps. "M-maybe... but everyone has celebrity crushes, right? I know Adrien likes Ladybug."

She liked me. She liked CHAT NOIR. I groaned, and the three girls swiveled and their eyes simultaneously widened. I smiled weakly.

"Uh-oh..." I whispered to myself.

Hi, guys. Um, I backslided. But the good news is I don't feel terrible so I'm not gonna go on hiatus again!

On the plus side, I totally headcanon Adrien as such a sneaky stalker cat.

Next chapter is called "The Return of Cheesecake".

- Queen Neymara 🐝

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