Two Cats and a Princess Talking on a Balcony

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Look at me, updating on time...

Also, this was written before Sandboy. If anyone comments on... the part of which I speak, there will be fury.

Marinette's POV

That night, I was constantly checking the clock, waiting for 22 to arrive. At 21:45, I couldn't stand it any longer. I went out onto my balcony and waited for Chat.

True to form, he arrived at 22 sharp. His eyebrows raised as he saw me laying prone on my chaise, waiting for him with treats from the bakery and some drinks on the table I'd dragged next to me.

"Was my Purrincess waiting long?" He started in with the puns. "I actually was waiting quite a while, minou. We need to talk. You mentioned a Queen Bee last night?"

He winced. "Oh no. I took a gamble with her... please tell me it paid off."

Chat Noir's POV

I was horrified. Did Chloè do something to Marinette in that bathroom? All I knew is they came back and they were happy. To my surprise, Marinette beamed. "I suppose you know a Miss Chloè Bourgeois? I bet you do, considering when I was alone in the bathroom with her, I noticed a special accessory." She narrowed her eyes at me. "I do watch the Ladyblog. I know my stuff. I know she's Queen Bee. And don't even lie to me. She APOLOGISED to me today. For something that she hasn't realised has been happening since 5th grade."

I chuckled nervously. "Did she?"

Internally I was glowing. I knew that that girl was still in there.

"Yes, she did. You know what ELSE she told me?"

"What?" I ran through all the things that Chloè could've possibly said.
Imitating Chloè's voice, Mari said, "'Chat paid me a visit on your behalf last night.'" she said. Knowing what I know, the pieces clicked. You even knew Alya's last name yesterday... oh my God. We know each other."

Her eyes widened. "You go to Collège François-Dupont. And you're in my grade. In my class. HOLY CRAP."

She paused for a moment, then started up again. "Wait. THE REST OF THE NEW SUPERHEROES ARE IN OUR CLASS, AREN'T THEY? YOU, ALYA, QUEEN BEE, WHATEVER OTHER SUPERHEROES YOU CHOSE - THEY'RE ALL IN OUR CLASS!" She was full-out screaming at this point and I did NOT like where this was going - the uncovering of my secret identity. I tried to placate her, but my head started pounding.

"Only one other person." I said quietly.

Marinette muttered. "I have my suspicions on them too." And the last thing I saw was black as Plagg snarled at me from within my mind, "I'm handling this." and I knew no more.

Plagg's POV

The pair of them were IDIOTS.

Baker Girl almost got herself AKUMATISED over this idiocy. I spoke. "Hi, I'm Plagg. Nice to meet ya."

She blinked at me. "Hi. You probably know this... I'm Ladybug."

"Thanks to that stunt you pulled when you two were battling that idiot pretend hero. Whatever his name was." I frowned. "My boy was begging me for details on your identity for weeks. He even withheld my Camembert!"

Baker Girl stilled. "Don't you mean Dark Owl?"

I shrugged, "Yeah, yeah, whatever. He almost took away my Camembert!"

She asked hesitantly, "Isn't Camembert stinky?"

I grinned wide. "No, Camembert has the most fragrant aroma in the whole world! Anyone who thinks Camembert is stinky is simply unable to properly appreciate it's decadent scent."

She muttered, "Well I guess I'm - I was - lucky Tikki likes cookies so much." She smiled, a bittersweet one.

"Cheer up, Baker Girl. It's not like you're loosing Tikki forever. It's just for awhile. And don't get akumatized, Tikki said she'd never allow cheese to be made ever again and that would be a tragedy."

"Right. So why did you want to talk to me?"

I do hope I wrote Plagg well enough. Adieu, mes abeilles.

- The Real Neymara Noor

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