Cleaning Marinette's Room ft. Chat Noir

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Chat Noir's POV

Walking down into her room, she turned on the light to display at least 100, likely more, pictures stuck on the walls and her post board.

I audibly gasped. I'd thought I was over the shock, but it was still startling to see this number of photos of me. Plus, I reminded myself, there were also pictures under her bed, on her computer... maybe even in her phone or sketchbook.

She blushed. "I know it's a lot." Her voice took an abashed, apologetic tone.

I stammered, trying to reassure her. "No, n-no, not at all! It's not any worse than I am with Ladybug!"

She raised an eyebrow and put her hands on her hips. God, she looked so ador - no. I can't do this to her. Chat is all she has right now and I won't take that away from her. Besides, I love Ladybug. "Oh?" Her voice twinkled surprise.

"Yeah..." I rubbed the back of my neck. "I have all the Ladybug merchandise I can get, plus photos of her all over, photos of her and a computer dedicated to noting everything about her, and I used to have a post board filled with people I thought were her, although she's since made it clear she doesn't want me figuring out her secret identity. I'm pretty sure she's my age, and single, but otherwise... she might as well be a mystery-bug."

I felt a hand on my shoulder. "Hey. She'll tell you someday."

"You really think?"

"You're amazing, Chat... I wouldn't be surprised if she fell for you really soon. Maybe even before this whole Hawk-Moth-watching-me thing is over." She smiled up at me earnestly, and I saw a faint blush on her cheeks.

"Well, Princess. Let's get to it."

We started with the walls, methodically removing the posters and throwing them into a pile. Next the pinned up pictures on the post board went down. Then I picked up her bed and kept it in the air while she cleared out the pictures under the bed. After that, we sat down in front of her computer. "Alright, Chat. We're almost done. Two things left."

"Really? What's left?"

"My computer and my phone. Don't laugh. I don't need you to help with these, but you can watch."

She opened her computer. Her screensaver popped up. Going to Photos, she deleted every photo of me she had if it wasn't with Alya or Nino. Then she went to Settings, and to Screensaver. Selecting Change Screensaver, she picked out a new photo from her gallery - a picture Ladybug had took of the two of us making a funny face after patrol on a night I'd convinced her we could goof off a little.

How did she have that photo?

Choosing not to question it, I spotted a white-spotted pink book wide open lying on her dresser. I grabbed it. The page it was open to was tearstained. Catching sight of the words before going to close it, it said, 'Ladybug'. My eyes widened. There were no books about Ladybug.

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