29. Loser

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Maahi's pov:

Zaan is behaving so different from his usual behaviour and I am seriously loving this change in him. Ofcourse he has been very close to me these days but he is not much vocal about it. Is he insecure because of Rizwan? it doesn't make sense. He knows that I hate Rizwan. Whatever might be the reason I like this thought that Zaan is being possessive about me. May be he started having feelings for me. I almost confessed my feelings for him but the shocked expression on his face forced me to change my decision. He is not yet ready to hear my confession. Hopefully someday he will be happy to hear my confession.

I opened the door and welcome the guests. I didn't feel good seeing Laila. I know she is Zaan's past but the thought that she was once Zaan's love interest make me very uncomfortable and also the way she looks at Zaan as if she will jump on him any second not helping me at all.

We all joined Zaan and Rizwan in living room. There is slight tension and no one spoke anything. I just want to get done with this Lunch.

I said,"I will set the table for dinner."

Sofiya said,"I will help you."

She came with me to the kitchen.

She said,"I am sorry Maahi. I know you are not happy that Rizwan bhai and Laila bhabhi came with us but actually They insisted a lot and wanted to make amends with Zaan bhai. Rehaan was not happy but he didn't oppose either. I brought them with me. Don't you think it's better to forget past and move on. Laila bhabhi told me what happened. Zaan bhai and Rizwan bhai both loved Laila. Laila chose Rizwan bhai and Zaan bhai didn't like it. He felt betrayed but now things are changed. He married you and he is happy in his life then why to hold grudges now?"

I felt immense anger. How dare she? Laila is brainwashing Sofiya against us. I can't share the truth with her without Zaan's permission.

I said,"Sofiya we should not judge anyone only by listening to one side. It's upto Zaan what he wants to do. He is ths one who has gone through the pain and only he has right to choose whether he wants to forgive them or not. Please I request you don't say all this infront of Zaan he will get hurt. He may look tough but he has very sensitive heart."

With this I left from there with dishes to place them on dining table. My eyes fell on Zaan who is looking very uncomfortable sitting there. Why don't they leave us alone? I really hate it when Zaan gets so uncomfortable because of them. I can't imagine how he feels. The past you want to forget keeps coming infront of you. Sometimes I feel I am the reason for whatever struggles he is going through. They re-entered in his life because I took him to my cousin's marraige. Sometimes I regret taking him with me but still I don't dislike the thought either because this trip brought us closer. I got to see that Zaan is not a spoiled and whining brat. He has more to him. He is Caring, loving and understanding person. I fell in love with him in this trip. The only negitive from this trip is Rizwan and Laila. Hopefully they will be out of our life soon. I will be with Zaan in every step of his life.

I said,"Zaan, Please can you come here."

He excused himself and came to me.

He said,"What happened?"

I said,"Will you help me in getting the new crockery from store room?"

He nodded and left from there.

Once he came back I tried to take the crockery from his hands but he said,"You continue with your work. I will wash them."

A smile crept on my lips.

I heard someone clear their throat. I turned to find Laila glaring at me.

She said,"You think you have him wrapped around your finger but let me warn you he makes you feel like that but actually it's always the other way around. He acts very well. In truth He only loves himself. "

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